ISE has co-operation agreements with
- Bioelectrochemical Society (The)
- Chinese Society of Electrochemistry
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Galvano- und Oberflächentechnik (DGO)
- Electrochemical Division of the Italian Chemical Society
- Electrochemical Society (The)
- Electrochemical Society of Japan
- Electrochemistry and Electroanalytical Division of the Brazilian Chemical Society
- Electrochemistry Group of the French Society of Chemistry
- Electrochemistry Interest Group of the RSC
- European Federation of Corrosion
- “Fachgruppe Elektrochemie” in the Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker
(Section ‘Electrochemistry’ of the Society of German Chemists) - Korean Electrochemical Society
- Mexican Electrochemical Society
- Royal Society of Chemistry
- Sociedad Iberoamericana de Electroquimica
- Society for Electroanalytical Chemistry (The)