Publications Committee

The Publication Committee was created as a Standing Committee of ISE in accordance with Article 13 of the ISE Bylaws. It acts as an advisory board to the Executive Committee (EC). In particular, the Publication Committee shall i) review the operations of the ISE publications, ii) make proposal for any modifications to the ISE publications, and iii) advise the EC on the appointment of the Editor-in-Chief, the Editors and the members of the Advisory Board. More details are provided in the Guidelines for the Publication Committee (see below).

Vito Di Noto – University of PADOVA, Chair
Justyna Piwek – Poznan University of Technology
Matthew Lacey – Frösön Sweden
Toshiyuki Nohira – Kyoto University

The Publications Committee of the ISE is a Standing Committee of the Society. This document provides guidance for the Publication Committee, consistent with Article 13 of the ISE Bylaws.

1 Committee members, appointment, term of office

The Publications Committee shall be composed of at least three (3), and not more than five (5) voting members. The Chair and the members shall be appointed by the President following selection by the Executive Committee (EC). The Chair shall serve for a 5 year term; other committee members, for three-year terms. These terms are renewable at the discretion of the EC.

2 Tasks

The Publications Committee shall:

1. review (via a written report) every aspect of the operation of each of the publications of ISE (including the Internet site) when invited to do so by the Executive Committee;
2. submit a nomination for the position of Editor-in Chief of the monthly periodical to the Executive Committee when invited to do so by the Executive Committee.
3. be responsible for the publication program of the Society and from time to time make proposals for new publications to the Executive Committee;
4. undertake such other assignments relating to the publication program of the Society as may be delegated by the Executive Committee

3 Appointment of Editor-in-Chief and Editors

The Publications Committee shall advise the EC on the appointment of the Editor-in Chief of the monthly periodical. On approval by the EC, the President shall appoint the Editor-in-Chief. The first term for a newly appointed Editor-in-Chief shall be five years with a possibility of renewal for terms of three years. The Editor-in-Chief shall appoint the Editors of the monthly periodical upon the advice of the Publication Committee, and approval of the EC. The term of office for the Editors shall be two years, renewable at the discretion of the EC, with advice from the Publication Committee and the Editor-in Chief.

4 Editorial Board

The Editor-in Chief, acting as Chairman, and the Editors of the monthly periodical shall constitute the Editorial Board for the monthly periodical. The Board shall prescribe editorial policies for the monthly periodical consistent with the general policies of the ISE.

5 Advisory Board

The Publications Committee and the Editor-in-Chief shall advise the EC on the appointment of part of the members of the Advisory Board of the monthly periodical (other members shall be nominated by the Divisional Boards). The term of office for the members of the Advisory Board shall be three years.