Regional Representatives Guide

Regional Representatives are established by Article 8 of the Constitution of ISE. They are elected by the members of the respective countries according to the procedure described in Article 5 of the By-Laws. The term of office is three years. They may be re-elected for only one consecutive term. The constitutional duty of a Regional Representative is to represent the members of his country or region in the Council which meets during the Annual Meeting of the Society. Regional Representatives are therefore expected to attend the Annual Meeting; however, they will receive the minutes of the Council meeting from the Secretary General.

Regional Representatives act as a link between the Society and the members of their countries. They are expected to keep the members informed of the activities of the Society, possibly by newsletters circulated through the ISE E-mailer to which they have access. The more general purpose is to maintain a continuous contact between the members of their country.

Regional Representatives are expected to play a leading role in the recruitment of new members (including Corporate and Corporate Sustaining Members), because they know best where to explore and who might be a potential member. Thus, their action will be more efficient than some kind of impersonal advertisement. It is therefore recommended that Regional Representatives periodically issue invitations to join the Society to individuals and organizations, particularly to those showing an objective interest in Society activities by attending the Annual Meeting without being members.

Regional Representatives are encouraged to keep contacts with national or regional organizations on behalf of the Society. They are urged to inform the Secretary General of local events which may be of interest to the Society.

Annual, Topical or Regional ISE Meetings: Regional Representatives are generally responsible for the first contacts between a country and the Society when plans for holding the Annual/Topical Meeting in this country exist. In that event, they are requested to write to the Chair of the Scientific Meetings Committee, inviting the Society to meet in their own country / region in a given year.
The proposal should be prepared according to Appendix A of the Rules for Annual Meetings or Topical Meetings  and should specify (if possible) who will be the contact person(s) for further developments.

Regional ISE Meetings: Regional Representatives may take upon themselves (or delegate to others) the responsibility of the organization of Regional ISE Meetings, and of any other local activities to be carried out under the direct control of the Society (cf. Article 8 of the By-Laws).

ISE-sponsored Meetings: In the case of international meetings on restricted topics wishing the sponsorship of ISE, Regional Representatives may be requested by the Meeting Organizing Committee to apply to the Executive Committee, via the ISE Office. The application must be submitted using the application form that can be downloaded from Sponsoring Request

Regional Representatives are expected to promote the participation of people from their country in Annual and Topical ISE meetings. For this purpose they may, e.g., look for cheaper and/or more convenient transportation by organizing chartered flights or buses, or by applying for reduced group fares to airline companies, etc. in co-operation with a capable travel agency.