A major component of ISE’s mission is the organization and sponsorship of scientific meetings within the broad field of electrochemistry. In order to maximise the impact and effectiveness of its activities towards this goal, ISE has established a Scientific Meetings Committee (SMC).
The membership of the SMC is appointed by the Executive Committee and is drawn from the Executive Committee itself and Chairs of ISE Annual Meetings or Topical Meetings. Through this combination, it represents the long term financial planning of the Society, the expertise of meetings organization and the scientific and technical interests of Society Members.
The SMC receives proposals for themes and locations of Annual and Topical Meetings. These are considered in the light of the relevant Guidelines, the benefits to both individual Members and their enhancement of the Society’s mission. Implementation and administration (through the ISE Office) of these scientific meetings will be monitored by the SMC. The SMC is also able to help with ISE sponsorship of regional and special topics meetings, either by Society-wide support or by appropriate liaison with the technically relevant Division(s). This sponsorship may take the form of financial support, administrative or publicity assistance (for example, via the Society website) or endorsement of the meeting. For any of these activities, SMC representatives will be pleased to provide informal guidance in advance of formal submission of meetings or sponsorship proposals.
The SMC’s role is an advisory one: it makes recommendations and suggestions to the ISE’s decision-making body, the Executive Committee. There are no deadlines for submission of proposals to the SMC, but submissions made by March 1 and August 1 will be considered by the SMC in time to make recommendations to the EC at its meetings in March/April and September (at the Society Annual Meeting).
Composition of the Scientific Meetings Committee
Chair, Rakel Wreland Lindstrom – KTH Sweden
Observer ex-officio as President, Plamen Atanassov – University of California
Ex-officio as President Elect, Andrea Russell – University of Southampton
Ex-officio as Treasurer, Monica Santamaria – Università degli Studi di Palermo
Ex-officio as Secretary General, Francesca Soavi – Università di Bologna
Silvia Cere – University of Mar del Plata
Vincent Vivier – Sorbonne University
Non-voting member, representative of the ISE office, Raphael Berger – Closelet 2 Switzerland
Observer ex-officio as Executive Secretary, Petr Krtil – J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry