1 Introduction
The present guidelines define general requirements and procedures in relation with special ISE meetings and are intended to assist the organisers of such meetings.
2 Special Meetings
Special meetings are defined in the ISE By-Laws as follows:
The Society or its Scientific Divisions may organise or sponsor special meetings upon a decision by the Executive Committee (EC) at least one year ahead of the meeting date. National or Regional Sections may organise meetings of national or regional character, provided the EC is informed at least six months in advance. All special meetings should be planned to be complementary to the Annual Meeting.
In the following, three types of special meetings will be distinguished:
- Divisional ISE Meetings
- Regional ISE Meetings
- ISE Sponsored Meetings
3 Divisional ISE Meetings
Divisional ISE Meetings cover a narrow subject area in a fundamental or applied field and are aimed at a limited number of specialists in the particular field. Divisional ISE Meetings are organised by one or two Scientific Division(s) of ISE. They are of an international character. The chairperson(s) and at least one co-chairperson of the Division(s) participate in the Meeting Organising Committee.
4 Regional ISE Meetings
Regional Meetings are intended for ISE members and non-members of a limited geographical region. They may cover a broad range of scientific interests. Regional ISE Meetings are organised or co-organised by a National or Regional Section of ISE. Regional ISE Meetings usually take place on a different continent from the Annual ISE Meeting in a given year.
5 ISE Sponsored Meetings
ISE may sponsor other scientific meetings of an international character in the area of electrochemistry. In order to sponsor a meeting, ISE requires that the scientific quality of the program is up to the standard of its own meetings. It is desirable that the Advisory Board consists of ISE members as far as possible. The decision on sponsorship is normally taken by the officers of the ISE Division in whose field of interest the topic of the meeting lies. ISE Division Officers should be involved in the organisation of the meeting. The EC decides on the sponsorship for meetings of general interest.
6 Financial Aspects
Divisional ISE Meetings: The organising Division(s) may use its(their) funds to support a Divisional Meeting.
Regional ISE Meetings: Upon demand of the organising Regional Section, the EC may allocate funds in support of Regional Meetings. The allocated amount of money depends on the justifications of the organisers and on the financial situation of ISE, a typical amount being 1000 Swiss Francs. In accepting these funds, the organising body accepts the obligation to present a brief written report to the Executive Committee, including scientific program, number of participants and statement on accounts. In case of a surplus, part or all of the contribution is to be refunded to the ISE Treasurer. ISE does not assume financial responsibility for Regional Meetings.
ISE Sponsored Meetings: The sponsoring of a meeting by ISE does not usually include a financial contribution. However, the sponsoring Division(s) may use its(their) funds to support such a meeting. A financial contribution of up to 1000 Swiss Francs may be allocated to meetings sponsored directly by the EC.
7 Special Directions concerning ISE Sponsored Meetings
ISE sponsorship with or without financial support entails the following obligations:
- The meeting has to be open to all ISE members.
Advertisement of ISE sponsorship
- Publicise ISE sponsorship in all official documents of the meeting (announcements, invitation and call for papers, program, abstract volumes, reports). The use of the ISE logo on these documents is encouraged.
- At the meeting, allow a representative of ISE to say a few words on behalf of the Society, possibly during the opening session.
- Provide for ISE publicity (E.g. display of ISE poster, distribution of leaflets and membership application forms) at the meeting. For details contact the ISE Office.
Meeting announcements and reports
- Supply copies of announcements, invitation and call for papers and program to the ISE Office as soon as issued for publication in Electrochimica Acta and on the ISE pages on the Internet. In order to ensure fast publication such material should be submitted in electronic form (e-mail). Inform the ISE Office if you announce the meeting on your own homepage.
- Send a report of not more than one page to the ISE Office soon after the meeting for publication in Electrochimica Acta and on the ISE pages on the Internet.
- Provide, if explicitly asked for by the Publisher, Elsevier Science, Oxford, with a free display for the promotion of Electrochimica Acta, the official Journal of ISE (e.g. enclosing leaflets in the conference wallets or posting promotional material or exhibiting issues of the Journal, etc.). Details are to be arranged with Elsevier.
8 Procedures to be Followed by Meeting Organisers
Divisional ISE Meetings: The chairperson(s) of the organising Division(s) informs the EC through the ISE Office of its intention to organise a Divisional Meeting generally at least one year ahead of the time of the meeting. The application lists the main theme of the meeting, the membership of the scientific organising committee and a preliminary program. The decision taken by the EC is related the to the organising body by the Secretary General.
Regional ISE Meetings: The chairperson of the organising committee or the Regional Representative informs the EC through the ISE Office normally at least one year or more ahead the time of the meeting. The application lists the main theme of the meeting, the membership of the scientific organising committee and a preliminary program. The application for a financial contribution must include suitable justifications. The decision taken by the EC is related the to the organising body by the Secretary General.
ISE Sponsored Meetings: The chairperson of the meeting sends the application for sponsorship to the ISE Office normally at least one year ahead of the time of the meeting. The application lists the main theme of the meeting, the membership of the advisory and the organising committees, the ISE Division Officers involved in the organisation of the meeting, a preliminary program and all other information that may be useful to decide upon whether to sponsor the meeting. The decision taken by the Officers of the sponsoring Division(s) or by the EC is related to the organising body by the Secretary General.
9 Services provided by ISE to Meeting Organisers
ISE through the ISE Office can assist organisers of special meetings. It can provide address lists and labels of ISE members, or it can organise mailings to ISE members, either to all members or to the members of a given division or region. These services are free of charge except for postage costs for mailings. Arrangements for these or related services are to be made directly with the ISE Office.
In appropriate cases, there may be a special issue of Electrochimica Acta associated with these meetings. The final decision will rest with the Editor-in-Chief.