ISE fellows

The Society may appoint a few of its individual Members as ISE Fellows in recognition of their scientific or technical contributions to the field of electrochemistry. Such ISE fellows are selected by the Executive Committee, upon recommendation by the Fellows Nominating Committee, after consultation with the Council. The appointment does not carry with it automatic life-time membership of ISE.

Hector Abruña
Radoslav Adzic
Richard Alkire
Philippe Allongue
Christian Amatore
Plamen Atanassov
Doron Aurbach
Philip N. Bartlett
Martin Bazant
R. Jürgen Behm
Daniel Bélanger
Nick Birbilis
Alan Bond
Thierry Brousse
Elton Cairns
Aicheng Chen
Christos Comninellis
Richard Compton
Serge Cosnier
Chunhai Fan
W. Ron Fawcett
Juan Feliu
Mario Ferreira
Maria Forsyth
Elzbieta Frackowiak
Claude Gabrielli
Hubert Gasteiger
Eliezer Gileadi
Hubert Girault
Yury Gogotsi
John B. Goodenough
Justin Gooding
Lo Gorton
Rolando Guidelli
Philippe Hapiot
Jurgen Heinze
Robert Hillman

Bing Joe Hwang
György Inzelt
Kingo Itaya
Yasuhiko Ito
Huangxian Ju
Anny Jutand
Takashi. Kakiuchi
Arkady Karyakin
Evgeny Katz
Hasuck Kim
Marc Koper
Alexei Kornyshev
Katharina Krischer
Alexander Kuhn
Claude Lamy
Ovadia Lev
Jacek Lipkowski
Yi-Tao Long
Digby Macdonald
Douglas R. MacFarlane
Daniel Mandler
Bing-Wei Mao
Philippe Marcus
Rudolf A. Marcus
Frank Marken
Nenad Markovic
Jim McBreen
Richard McCreery
Shelley D. Minteer
Angela Molina
Sanjeev Mukerjee
Richard Nichols
Petr Novak
Mark E. Orazem
Tetsuya Osaka
Masatoshi Osawa
Stefano Passerini

Emanuel Peled
José Pingarron
Bin Ren
Zdenek Samec
Robert Savinell
Elena Savinova
David Schiffrin
Wolfgang Schmickler
Patrik Schmuki
Fritz Scholz
Wolfgang Schuhmann
Bruno Scrosati
Yang Shao-Horn
Ashok Shukla
Patrice Simon
Ulrich Stimming
Peter Strasser
Shi-gang Sun
Yang-Kook Sun
Zhongqun Tian
Jens Ulstrup
Patrick Unwin
Kohei Uosaki
Costas Vayenas
Alain Walcarius
Li-Jun Wan
Guoxiu Wang
Masahiro Watanabe
Stanley Whittingham
George Wilson
Martin Winter
Yongyao Xia
Akira Yoshino
Gleb Yushin
José Zagal
Piotr Zelenay
Jiujun Zhang

* Passed Away

“ISE Fellow'” is a category of membership conferred upon an individual in recognition of her/his continuing outstanding scientific and/or technical achievement within the field of electrochemistry. ISE Fellow candidates must be fully active in research and must have made significant contributions to electrochemistry in the last few years. This recognition should be limited to a small fraction of the active membership (approx. 5%). Fellowship should not be granted for political or administrative service; Honorary Membership provides the means of recognizing such contributions to the Society.

Division Officers, Regional Representatives, as well as all other ISE members, are encouraged to nominate candidates for ISE Fellows. The nominees must be still fully active in research; the scientific quality of their recent work will be evaluated by the FNC. Nominations should consist of the following items:

  • a short (typically 1 page) summary of the nominee’s achievements;
  • a CV of the nominees not exceeding two pages in length;
  • a list of 10 papers authored by the nominee (5 of these papers must have been published in the last 10 years; the other papers may have been published at any time, including the last 10 years);
  • three letters of support (these letters must originate from members in good standing who are not at the same institution as the nominee);
  • a statement from the nominees that they accept the nomination.

Candidates are not allowed to nominate themselves. Self-nominations will not be considered. Only one nomination per candidate will be considered. Nominations must be uploaded via the Submission Site. The nominations received from 1st of December are forwarded to the Fellows Nomination Committee (FNC) to select candidates by 28th of February for approval by the EC at the following Spring Meeting. Fellows would then be inducted at the Annual Meeting of that same year. Currently the EC normally expects to elect between 4 and 6 new fellows each year. In this way over a period of ten years approximately 50 new Fellows would be elected.

The members of the FNC appointed by the EC serve for a five-year term and represent a wide range of scientific interests linked to electrochemical science and technology.
The Fellows Nominating Committee is a standing committee which proposes names to the Executive Committee for the title of ISE Fellow. It normally consists of 5 members including the chairperson. This year, the FNC consist of 6 members, to allow a change in its operation mode.

Maria Forsyth, Institute for Frontiar Materials, Deakin Unviersity, Australia (2022-2026) Chair in 2025

Hubert Gasteiger, TUM, Germany(2023-2027)

Bingwei Mao, Xiamen University, China (2023-2027)

Mark Orazem, University of Florida, USA (2024-2028)

Jose Zagal, University of Santiago de Chile (2025-2029)