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June 2024

Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunity (Fapesp) at São Paulo State - Brazil


The São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC) of the University of São Paulo (USP), the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), and the Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH) of the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) are offering five postdoctoral fellowships linked to the groundbreaking Thematic Project – FAPESP "Advanced processes for the degradation of emerging pollutants: Catalytic Materials, Electroanalytical Sensors, and Scientific Dissemination". This project, led by Prof. Dr. Marcos Lanza (Process 2022/12895-1), is at the forefront of research in our field, offering a unique and exciting opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge science.

Each researcher may apply to only one of the topics listed below, according to the requirements requested for each vacancy. Depending on the selected vacancy, the candidate must be immediately available to reside in São Carlos/SP or Santo André/SP and have completed the doctorate less than seven years ago. The researcher will receive a FAPESP postdoctoral fellowship ( in the generous monthly amount of R$ 9,318.90 (approximately US$ 1,770.00) for 36 months, with the exciting possibility of financial support for shifting and installation. The scholarship also offers the exciting opportunity to carry out up to 12 months of internship outside Brazil (BEPE-FAPESP scholarships), broadening the researcher's international experience and network.
Applications can be made until 07/05/2024.

THEME 1: Developing an electrochemical reactor with three-dimensional anodes for removing polluting organic compounds by electrocoagulation and electrodegradation.

Description: The researcher will work on developing new electrode materials for use in an electrochemical reactor. This reactor generates coagulants and oxidizing radicals in situ to remove/degrade organic pollutants in industrial aqueous wastewater.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Luís Augusto Martins Ruotolo
Location: Department of Chemical Engineering, UFSCar (São Carlos – SP)
Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in an area that adheres to the project. A spirit of leadership, proactivity in the project's development, and knowledge of electrochemical processes are desirable.
Inscriptions: By e-mail, indicating "Vacancy PD Project EletrOx/Fapesp." The following documents must be attached to the e-mail: (1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic background and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in the field of Electrochemistry must be proven through publications in international scientific journals; (2) a letter from the candidate justifying the interest in the position (1 page); (3) two letters of recommendation from researchers indicating the names and e-mail addresses.

THEME 2: Synthesis and characterization of new electrocatalysts for the electrogeneration of H2O2 in situ and its technological applications

Description: The researcher will work on developing new electrode materials for application in the electrochemical generation of H2O2 in situ to apply them in the degradation processes of emerging organic pollutants.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcos R. V. Lanza.
Location: São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC), USP (São Carlos – SP).
Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in an area that adheres to the project. A spirit of leadership, proactivity in the project's development, and knowledge of electrochemical processes are desirable.
Inscriptions: By e-mail, indicating “Vacancy PD Thematic Fapesp 1”. The following documents must be attached to the e-mail: (1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic background and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in the field of Electrochemistry must be proven through publications in international scientific journals; (2) a letter from the candidate justifying the interest in the position (1 page); (3) two letters of recommendation from researchers indicating the names and e-mail addresses.


THEME    3:    Synthesis    and    characterization   of    new    electrocatalysts    for    CO2 electroreduction to produce value-added products

Description: The researcher will develop new electrode materials for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in situ and for use in the production processes of value-added products.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcos R. V. Lanza
Location: São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC), USP (São Carlos – SP).
Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in an area that adheres to the project. A spirit of leadership, proactivity in the project's development, and knowledge of electrochemical processes are desirable.
Inscriptions: By e-mail, indicating “Vacancy PD Thematic Fapesp 2”. The following documents must be attached to the e-mail: (1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic background and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in the field of Electrochemistry must be proven through publications in international scientific journals; (2) a letter from the candidate justifying the interest in the position (1 page); (3) two letters of recommendation from researchers indicating the names and e-mail addresses.

THEME 4: Development, evaluation, application, and theoretical study of advanced materials for the electrochemical degradation of emerging pollutants


Description: The researcher will work on the synthesis of advanced materials and their application (low-cost nanostructured materials containing metal oxides and carbon) in the electrogeneration of H2O2 and subsequent degradation of emerging pollutants by advanced electrochemical oxidation processes in benchtop reactors aiming at the treatment of aqueous effluents. Work areas will also be simulated solar energy and magnetic fields, and the best surfaces for electrogeneration of H2O2 will be studied by DFT.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mauro Coelho dos Santos.

Location: Center for Natural and Human Sciences (CCNH), UFABC (Santo André – SP) Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in an area related to the project. Leadership skills, teamwork and collaboration, flexibility, and initiative in project development, as well as knowledge of Electrochemistry, are desirable.
Inscriptions: By e-mail, indicating “Vacancy PD Thematic Project Fapesp.” The following documents must be attached to the e-mail: (1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic background and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in the field of Electrochemistry must be proven through publications in international scientific journals; (2) a letter from the candidate justifying the interest in the position (1 page); (3) two letters of recommendation from researchers indicating the names and e-mail addresses.

THEME 5: Combination of techniques and process for the removal/degradation of contaminants of emerging concern in aqueous media in the presence of interferers


Description: The researcher will work on developing hybrid electrochemical and electrode materials for application in electrochemical oxidation, using techniques of characterization of materials and oxidizing species in complex/real electrolytic media.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Artur de Jesus Mótheo
Location: São Carlos Institute of Chemistry (IQSC), USP (São Carlos – SP).
Requirements: Candidates must have a PhD degree in an area related to the project. A spirit of leadership and proactivity in developing the project, as well as knowledge of electrochemical processes, is desirable. Additional knowledge of the EPR technique will also be considered.

Inscriptions: By e-mail, indicating “Vacancy PD Thematic Project Fapesp.” The following documents must be attached to the e-mail: (1) Curriculum Vitae containing the academic background and publications (maximum of 4 pages). Experience in the field of Electrochemistry must be proven through publications in international scientific journals; (2) a letter from the candidate justifying the interest in the position (1 page); (3) two letters of recommendation from researchers indicating the names and e-mail addresses.

May 2024


Investigations in biological systems using miniaturized electrochemical sensors


The Electrochemical Sensors and Electroanalytical Methods Laboratory at the Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo (USP) - Brazil, is seeking to hire one post-doctoral researcher to work on a project entitled “Investigations in biological systems using miniaturized electrochemical sensors”. The scholarship will be granted by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), and the research is linked to the Thematic Project “Miniaturized large-scale devices for in-situ analysis: fabrication, characterization and applications” (Grant # 2023/00246-1), whose coordinator is Prof. Mauro Bertotti (  

The selected candidate will perform research on the fabrication of microelectrodes and microelectrodes arrays for further use in biological systems, particularly in the monitoring of neurotransmitter release and in the study of metabolic processes. Experiments will be performed using devices mounted in different configurations, depending on the size of the cells and the desired information about the cellular system. To improve the sensitivity and selectivity of the fabricated sensors response, strategies based on the modification of the electrode surface will be employed, if necessary. The project will be carried out in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Biochemistry; hence, we envisage a multidisciplinary approach emphasizing excellence and the highest scientific standards.

USP is the largest Brazilian public university (90.000 enrolled students), and is highly recognized for its fundamental role in advancing research in the country (currently, USP is responsible for more than 20% of all scientific production in Brazil). USP has several campuses and our laboratory is located on the campus of São Paulo, which is the main port of entry to Brazil. FAPESP is an independent public foundation with the mission to foster research and the scientific and technological development of the State of São Paulo.

Needed skills and experience
Self-motivated and creative post-doctoral researchers who can design and conduct experiments, present their work at meetings, and write scientific manuscripts, are welcome. Candidates must demonstrate academic competitiveness at the international level, as confirmed by publications on indexed journals in the subjects of interest of the research project. Advanced training in Electroanalytical Chemistry, including the fabrication and use of microelectrodes, will be considered a significant differential. Experience with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy is also desirable but not mandatory. Candidates are expected help to coach/co-supervise undergrad and grad students and lab technicians when necessary.

Contract Period and Project Start 

The scholarship duration is 24 months. It can be extended for two more years, depending on the evaluation of the work performed during the current period and the research plan


Post-doc in development and characterization of bipolar membranes for fuel cell (M/F)

14 months – starting SEPTEMBER 2024

Supervisors Sara Cavaliere, Deborah Jones, Jacques Rozière (ICGM), Melaine Guillou (Michelin)
Context / Mission

The position will be in MONTPELLIER, France, at Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier (UMR5253). Part of the time will be spent in the Center of Technologies of Michelin, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

The project's objective is to develop bipolar membranes in fuel cells. The main activities concern the elaboration and the physicochemical and electrochemical characterization of nanostructured bipolar membranes, comprising an anion exchange polymer layer and a proton exchange polymer layer. These materials will be integrated into energy conversion devices and characterized for their performance and durability.


Characterization/selection of ionomers

Preparation of bipolar membranes by different deposition techniques (casting, spray coating, electrospray, electrospinning)

Physico-chemical and electrochemical characterization of the materials developed (morphology, ionic conductivity, gas permeability, mechanical properties, dimensional stability)

Integration of selected bipolar membranes into membrane-electrode assemblies

Characterization in single-cell fuel cell

Writing of bibliographic reports and activity reports

Expected skills

Skills in materials and polymers chemistry

Material characterization skills

Knowledge in preparation/characterization of polymer membranes

Knowledge of electrochemistry

The candidate must be highly motivated and autonomous, possess knowledge of materials/polymer sciences and experience in the preparation and characterization of polymer membranes. Some knowledge of electrochemistry and fuel cell technology would be advantageous. Knowledge of French or English will be essential to communicate with the members of "Energy Conversion" group at ICGM and the enterprise Michelin as well as to draft reports and protocols (good written and spoken level).

The applicant should provide a cover letter and a full CV (including the scientific production) directly on the website: Applications should be sent before May 1st, 2024. The contract will be established with CNRS.

April 2024


PhD position 2024-2027 - Marseille, France Electroenzymatic biosensor for H2 detectionLaboratory: Bioenergetics and Protein Engineering (BIP), CNRS, Aix-Marseille University

Context : Within the current challenge of irreversible climate change, the search for CO2-neutral energy sources and carriers is essential. Thanks to its transient storage and restitution during peaks of energy needs via fuel cells, hydrogen appears to be a sustainable solution. However, being a light and explosive gas, hydrogen represents significant risks when stored in large quantities. The installation of reliable, sensitive and miniaturized sensors is therefore required to detect possible leaks. In nature, hydrogenases are very efficient and selective enzymes for H2 oxidation. We have shown that the membrane-bound Ni-Fe hydrogenase extracted from the bacterium Aquifex aeolicus has many of the essential characteristics to meet the requirements of an electrochemical H2 sensor.


Research description : Capitalizing on our fundamental knowledge of hydrogenase-based electrodes, this Ph.D position will aim at designing a sensitive and miniaturized H2 biosensor in different environmental conditions. In particular, it will address i) How to tune the immobilization of the enzyme toward the most favorable H2 oxidation catalysis under the operating conditions required by the H2 detection biosensor; ii) Which methodologies can be developed in order to overcome H2 mass transport limitation; iii) How to determine the relationship between the enzyme surface coverage, its spatial distribution at the electrode surface and the enzymatic activity. To answer this question in situ and operando methods will be implemented, and in particular confocal fluorescence microscopy coupled to electrochemistry; iv) How to increase the stability of the bioelectrodes under storage and turnover. Various parameters (purity and origin of the enzyme, T°, ionic strength, local pH, protection by additives in solution and/or on the electrode) will be evaluated, as well as different electrode structuration and chemical functionalities able to increase the stability of the immobilized enzyme while maintaining an activity compatible with the detection of H2; v) What is the impact of the geometry of the biosensor and its miniaturization on its performance. Different sensor geometries will thus be produced by 3D printing, making it possible to bring H2 in dissolved form in a buffer electrolyte but also in gaseous form.In addition to the applicative proof of the enzymatic sensor, the research carried out as part of the thesis project will improve fundamental knowledge on enzymatic behavior in different confined environments. It will also make it possible to bridge the gap with past developments in the laboratory on enzymatic noble metal free fuel cells, by ultimately considering the self-powering of the sensor.

Ph.D skills: The candidate should have a Masters’ degree in chemistry, with major interest in analytical chemistry.Background/interest in electrochemistry, in 3D printing, and willing to work in a multidisciplinary environment are highly welcome.This Ph.D position is co-funded by Aix Marseille University (AMU) and “Agence-Innovation-Défense “(AID).European, UK and Swiss nationals can apply.


Applications: Candidates are invited to submit their CV, a motivation letter, copies of academic transcripts and degrees, and two recommendation letters by email to Elisabeth Lojou ( Dead line 10th May 2024

March 2024


The UNESCO Laboratory of Environmental Electrochemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), offers a PhD student position in the study program “Analytical Chemistry”.

Project topic: Development of novel electrode materials based on conductive diamond for electroanalytical applications

Short description of the project:
Boron-doped diamond (BDD) is an outstanding electrode material promising for a lot of electrochemical applications, such as electroanalytic detection of biomarkers in vivo, electrochemical degradation of wastewater pollutants, organic electrosynthesis etc. These options are enabled by the unique combination of properties, including high mechanical and chemical robustness, biocompatibility, wide electrochemical window even in aqueous media and low background currents. Doping of diamond by boron is achieved within the process of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) synthesis and enables (semi)conductivity of this intrinsically insulating material. The joint efforts of the Laboratory in a close collaboration with Materials for Nanosystems and Biointerfaces group (Department of Functional Materials, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) are devoted to further elaboration of conductive diamond materials, in particular nanostructured ones, characterization of their structure and electrochemical properties, as well as practical testing in electroanalytical applications.
Relevant publications of the project leader and others [1] S. Baluchová, A. Daňhel, H. Dejmková, V. Ostatná, M. Fojta, K. Schwarzová-Pecková, Anal. Chim. Acta, 1077 (2019) 30-66. [2] N.J. Yang, S.Y. Yu, J.V. Macpherson, Y. Einaga, H.Y. Zhao, G.H. Zhao, G.M. Swain, X. Jiang, Chem. Soc. Rev., 48 (2019) 157-204. [3] V. Hrdlicka, O. Matvieiev, T. Navrátil, R. Selesovská, Electrochim. Acta, 456 (2023) 142435.


- Completed (or expected to be completed by 31th of August, 2024) Master (or equivalent) studies in Chemistry, Physics or related disciplines.
- Working proficiency in English.

Would be seen as advantage:
- Experience in electrochemistry, chemical vapor deposition, electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and/or related technics.
- Scientific publication(s) in international peer-reviewed journals.
- Oral presentations on international conferences.

We offer:
- Study on one of the oldest and the most famous universities of Central Europe ranking among 250 best universities in the world.
- Cutting-edge multidisciplinary research in Material Science and Electrochemistry.
- Qualified supervision and friendly working environment.
- Publication of the results in highly impacted internationally recognized scientific journals.
- Possibility to earn experience in preparation of grant applications.
- Academic stipendium from Charles University and part-time employment at the Institute of Physics (ca. 1200 euro in total before taxation) with possible increase based on successful application of grant proposals by the PhD student).
- A number of options to maintain work-life balance, including flexible working schedule and home office work.
- Living in a cozy green medium-sized European city with excellent infrastructure and a lot of options for leisure and cultural activities.
- For foreign applicants: support with the immigration procedure formalities.

How to apply:
Please send you CV, list of publications (if present) and contact information of two referees (your previous supervisors, senior colleagues, eventually university teachers who could characterize your performance in university studies and/or scientific research) to Dr. Anton Lytvynenko ( not later than 10th of April, 2024. The best applicants will be invited to an online interview with the group leader Assoc. Prof. Karolina Schwarzová-Pecková. A successful candidate will apply for the PhD study at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University and pass regular exams necessary for the enrollment (in June 2024).