Listing of New Books in Electrochemistry
This feature of the ISE Website, Listing of New Books in Electrochemistry, is intended to provide visitors to the Website information about new books in electrochemistry that have been published. For the Listing, a book will be considered “new” if it was published within the current or prior calendar year. The new books can be new editions of a previously published book or new volumes in a book series.
Applications for inclusion in the Listing will be submitted by authors according to a standardized form.
By announcing the books on behalf of the authors, ISE is not endorsing the books nor taking any responsibility for their content.
Lehrbuch der Elektrochemie: Grundlagen, Methoden, Materialien, Anwendungen
Author(s): Gunther Wittstock, unter Mitarbeit von Bernd Speiser und Julia Witt
This textbook in German language for students majoring in chemistry, physics, materials science, or engineering covers the principles, methods, materials, and applications of modern electrochemistry in research and industry within a unified framework.
The first part explains the principles of electrochemistry - electrode reaction, thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport processes at the level of typical undergraduate courses. Subsequent parts build bridges to the current literature and are designed for MSc. or PhD level courses. The second part introduces electrochemical measurement techniques for concentration determination and for elucidation of reaction mechanisms and interfacial structures. The third part deals with electroplating, semiconductors, solid state electrolytes, electrocatalysts and modified electrodes, i.e. the material science aspects of electrochemistry. The final part presents examples of important applications of electrochemistry ranging from corrosion studies, energy conversion and storage, technical electrolysis, to bioelectrochemistry and biosensors.
With its combination of fundamentals, methods, materials and applications, this modern textbook provides a comprehensive picture of electrochemistry at the interface of chemistry, materials science, energy and electrical engineering.
The book contains many didactical elements, 997 Figures and Appendices with tabulated data.
Length of Book (Pages): 1072
Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Publication Year: 2023
ISBN: 978-3-527-32784-3
Language: German
Cost: 84.90 EUR (hardcover); 75.99 EUR (PDF)
Electrochemical Methods for the Micro- and Nanoscale
Author(s): Jochen Kieninger
This textbook presents the essentials of electrochemical theory, sheds light on the instrumentation, including details on the electronics, and in the second part, discusses a wide variety of classical and advanced methods. The third part of the book covers how to apply the techniques for selected aspects of material science, microfabrication, nanotechnology, MEMS, NEMS, and energy applications. With this book, you will be able to successfully apply the methods in the fields of sensors, neurotechnology, biomedical engineering, and electrochemical energy systems. Undergraduate or Master students can read the book linearly as a comprehensive textbook. For Ph.D. students, postdoctoral researchers as well as researchers in industry, the book will help by its clear structure to get fast answers from a specific section.
Length of Book (Pages): 404
Publisher: De Gruyter
Publication Year: 2022
ISBN: 9783110649741
Language: English
Cost: 89.95 Euro
Electrochemical Methods of Nanostructure Preparation
Author(s): László Péter
This book summarizes the electrochemical routes of nanostructure preparation in a systematic and didactic manner. The book includes a brief introduction to general electrochemistry with an emphasis on physicochemical aspects and a methodological part devoted to nanostructure studies, followed by a description of the sample preparation methods. In each chapter, an overview of the particular method is accompanied by a discussion of the relevant physical or chemical properties of the materials, including magnetic, mechanical, optical, catalytic, sensoric and other features. While some preparation methods are discussed in connection with the theories of physical electrochemistry (e.g. electrodeposition), the book also covers methods that are more heuristic but nonetheless utilize electric current (e.g. anodization of porous alumina or synthesis of carbon nanotubes by means of electric arc discharge). In this book, the author’s intention was to offer a systematic approach to a wide variety of electrolytic nanostructures that are conventionally discussed rather separately.
Length of Book (Pages): 535 Publisher: Springer Nature
Publication Year: 2021 ISBN: 978-3-030-69116-5
Language: English Cost: 146 Euro
Understanding Voltammetry: Simulation of Electrode Processes (2nd edition)
Author(s): Richard G Compton, Enno Kätelhön, Kristopher R Ward , Eduardo Laborda (University of Murcia, Spain)
This is the first textbook in the field of electrochemistry that will teach experimental electrochemists how to carry out simulation of electrode processes. Processes at both macro- and micro-electrodes are examined and the simulation of both diffusion-only and diffusion–convection processes are addressed. The simulation of processes with coupled homogeneous kinetics and at microelectrode arrays are further discussed. Over the course of the book the reader's understanding is developed to the point where they will be able to undertake and solve research-level problems. The book leads the reader through from a basic understanding of the principles underlying electrochemical simulation to the development of computer programs which describe the complex processes found in voltammetry. This second edition has been revised throughout, and contains new material relating to random walks in electrochemistry, as well as expanded materials on the checking and validation of simulations, pulse techniques, and square wave voltammetry.
Length of Book (Pages): 324 Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Publication Year: 2020 ISBN: 9781786348302
Language: English Cost: £85
Functional Materials for Next-Generation Rechargeable Batteries
Author(s): Jiangfeng Ni, Li Lu
Over-consumption of fossil fuels has caused deficiency of limited resources and environmental pollution. Hence, deployment and utilization of renewable energy become an urgent need. The development of next-generation rechargeable batteries that store more energy and last longer has been significantly driven by the utilization of renewable energy.
This book starts with principles and fundamentals of lithium rechargeable batteries, followed by their designs and assembly. The book then focuses on the recent progress in the development of advanced functional materials, as both cathode and anode, for next-generation rechargeable batteries such as lithium-sulfur, sodium-ion, and zinc-ion batteries. One of the special features of this book is that both inorganic electrode materials and organic materials are included to meet the requirement of high energy density and high safety of future rechargeable batteries. In addition to traditional non-aqueous rechargeable batteries, detailed information and discussion on aqueous batteries and solid-state batteries are also provided.
Length of Book (Pages): 228 Publisher: World Scientific Publishing
Publication Year: 2021 ISBN: 9789811230660
Language: English Cost: £75
Bioanalytical Chemistry: From Biomolecular Recognition to Nanobiosensing
Author(s): Paolo Ugo, Pietro Marafini, Marta Meneghello
The aim of this book is to provide graduate students and young researchers with the elements of interdisciplinary knowledge necessary to understand the principles and applications of contemporary bioanalytical methods and devices. Among the six chapters that compose the book, electrochemistry and electroanalysis play a central role in three of them. Chapter 3, which deals with enzymatic biosensors, provides the reader with fundamentals of electrochemical techniques (potentiometry, voltammetry, amperometry) to later accompanying her/him in understanding the functioning principles of modern electrochemical biosensors of wide use, such as the glucose biosensor. In chapter 4, devoted to immunosensors, principles and applications of electrochemically induced luminescence are presented, explaining the role that this technique has played in revolutionizing the architecture of platforms today widely used in clinical immunoanalysis. In the final chapter, devoted to analytical nanobiotechnologies, there is ample space for electrochemistry both as a tool for the preparation of nanomaterials as well as in the development of highly miniaturized electrochemical nano-biosensors.
Length of Book (Pages): 308 Publisher: De Gruyter.
Publication Year: 2021 ISBN: 978-11-058916-0
Language: English Cost: € 68.95 / $US 79.99 / £ 62.50
Elements of Molecular and Biomolecular Electrochemistry. An Electrochemical Approach to Electron Transfer Chemistry. 2nd Edition
Author(s): Jean-Michel Savéant and Cyrille Costentin
This book comprehensively addresses workhorse electrochemical reactions that serve as the basis of modern research for alternative energy solutions. It updates the previous edition and adds substantial new information throughout―most of which concerns proton-coupled electron transfer reactions and molecular catalysis of electrochemical reactions― This book offers chapters covering such topics as: single electron transfer at an electrode; coupling of electrode electron transfers with homogeneous chemical reactions; coupling between electron transfer and heavy atom-bond breaking and formation; proton-coupled electron transfers; molecular catalysis of electrochemical reactions; and enzymatic catalysis of electrochemical reactions. It is a handy, single source of key information, and will be invaluable in the research of alternative energy sources in the years to come.
- Provides an accessible and readable summary on the use of electrochemical techniques and the applications of electrochemical concepts to functional molecular-level systems
- Includes a new chapter on proton-coupled electron transfer, a completely revamped chapter on molecular catalysis of electrochemical reactions, and added sections throughout the book
- Bridges a gap and strengthens the relationship between electrochemists and molecular and biomolecular chemists―showing a variety of functions that may be obtained by multi-component systems designed using the paradigms of both chemistries
Length of Book (Pages): 616 Publisher: Wiley.
Publication Year: 2019 ISBN: 9781119292333
Language: English Cost: US$ 250
Compendium of In-Vivo Monitoring in Real-Time Molecular Neuroscience, Volume 3: Probing Brain Function, Disease and Injury with Enhanced Optical and Electrochemical Sensors
Author(s): George S. Wilson and Adrian C. Michael, Eds.
This is the third volume of a series dealing with real-time measurements in the rodent brain and in one instance measurements in the human injured brain. The focus in this volume of 16 chapters is on improvement of temporal and spatial resolution and also on the specificity of specific neurological functions afforded by optogenetics. In some cases this has been combined with electrochemical monitoring to yield 1 ms time resolution. High spatial and temporal resolution has been realized utilizing the Interface between Two Immiscible Electrolyte Solutions (ITIES) technique using an electrode 30 nm in diameter inserted in a synapse of 100 nm. The previous two volumes deal with detection based on direct electrochemistry or biosensors and with microdialysis using a variety of detection schemes including electrochemistry.
Length of Book (Pages): 396 Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co.
Publication Year: 2020 ISBN: 978-981-120-622-1
Language: English Cost: US$178
X-ray Studies on Electrochemical Systems - Synchrotron Methods for Energy Materials
Author(s): Artur Braun
This book is your graduate level entrance into battery, fuel cell, supercapacitor, solar cell and bio-electrochemistry research at synchrotron x-ray sources. Materials scientists find numerous examples for the combination of electrochemical experiments with simple and with highly complex x-ray scattering and spectroscopy methods. Physicists and chemists can link applied electrochemistry with fundamental concepts of condensed matter physics, physical chemistry and surface science.
Length of Book (Pages): 474 Publisher: De Gruyter
Publication Year: 2017, ISBN: 978-3-11-042788-2
Language: English Cost: 80 €
Electrochemical Energy Systems - Foundations, Energy Storage and Conversion
Author(s): Artur Braun
This book is for anyone interested in renewable energy for a sustainable future of mankind. Batteries, fuel cells, capacitors, electrolyzers and solar cells are explained at the molecular level and at the power plant level, in their historical development, in their economical and political impact, and social change. Cases from geophysics and astronomy show that electrochemistry is not confined to the small scale. Examples are shown and exercised.
Length of Book (Pages): 650 Publisher: De Gruyter
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 978-3-11-056182-1
Language: English Cost: 77,95 € / $89.99 / £71.00
Portable Hydrogen Energy Systems. Fuel Cells and Storage Fundamentals And Applications
Author(s): Paloma Ferreira-Aparicio and Antonio M. Chaparro (Editors)
The book covers the basics of portable fuel cells: fuel cells types, fuel storage possibilities with an emphasis on hydrogen fuel cells, and their potential applications. An introductory chapter examines the interest of portable hydrogen fuel cells, new possibilities, and limitations, and compared with those of batteries. Then their fundamentals are introduced, including electrochemistry, materials, components, and configurations; followed by a chapter on hydrogen storage options. Two chapters are dedicated to theoretical developments on portable fuel cells and theoretical analysis of metal hydride hydrogen storage, respectively. Then portable systems are examined covering topics like auxiliary elements, systems efficiency, and durability. Some particular portable cell types are described, like micro-machined silicon based, membraneless, and cells fed with starch. Recent industry activities are exposed in a dedicated chapter. Finally, an overview of future research trends is given. Authors of the chapters are active scientists, recognized experts in their respective fields, to provide an authoritative and up-to-date view of different aspects concerning portable hydrogen fuel cells.
Length of Book (Pages): 225 Publisher: Academic Press. Elsevier
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 978-0-12-813128-2
Language: English Cost:144.50$
Wilhelm Ostwald. The Autobiography
Editors: Robert Jack, Fritz Scholz
This book is the translated and commented autobiography of Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932), who won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1909. It is the first translation of the German original version “Lebenslinien: Eine Selbstbiographie,” published by Ostwald in 1926/27, and has been painstakingly translated. The book includes comments and explanations, helping readers to understand Ostwald’s text in the historical context of Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.
Length of Book: 688, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2017
ISBN: Electronic ISBN: 978-319-46955-3, Print ISBN: 978-3-319-46953
Language: English, Cost: 149.99 €
Underpotential Deposition. From Fundamentals and Theory to Applications at the Nanoscale
Authors: Oscar Alejandro Oviedo, Luis Reinaudi, Silvana Graciela García, Ezequiel Pedro Marcos Leiva
Editor: Fritz Scholz
With this volume, Ezequiel P. M. Leiva and co-authors fill a gap in the available literature, by providing a much-needed, comprehensive review of the relevant literature for electrochemists, materials scientists and energy researchers. For the first time, they present applications of underpotential deposition (UPD) on the nanoscale, such as nanoparticles and nanocavities, as well as for electrocatalysis. They also discuss real surface determinations and layer-by-layer growth of ultrathin films, as well as the very latest modeling approaches to UPD based on nanothermodynamics, statistical mechanics, molecular dynamics and Monte-Carlo simulations.
Length of Book: 361, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-319-24392-4 (Print) 978-3-319-24394-8 (Online)
Language: English, Cost: 129.99 €
Electrochemistry in a Divided World. Innovations in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century
Editor: Fritz Scholz
In this collection of interrelated essays, the authors review landmark developments in electrochemistry building on biographic material and personal insight. The book facilitates understanding of the innate pathways of developments in electrochemical science as a result of lucky circumstances fitting to objective conditions. Thus the book will help to understand the present state of electrochemistry and offer inspiration for solving today’s scientific challenges. The authors as experienced electrochemists from the U.S., Western and Eastern Europe also provide guidance for scientific careers by presenting biographical examples of famous electrochemists.
Length of Book: 471, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2017
ISBN: 978-3-319-21220-3, (e-book ISBN 978-3-319-21221-0)
Language: English, Cost 129.99 €
Advanced Materials and Systems for Electrochemical Technologies
Editor: Mauro Coelho dos Santos
This book concerns advanced materials for electrochemical technologies. Firstly, the focus concerns fuel cell devices in which state of the art materials for anodes in both fuel cells and biological fuel cells were carefully discussed. At this part, the focus is both ethanol fuel cells and emerging studies of biological fuel cells. After that, novel sensors and biosensors were deeply described. Different approaches to detect interest samples were addressed. Finally, the wastewater treatment using advanced oxidation processes was pointed out, taking into account anodes and/or cathodes evidencing materials and processes. It was pointed that more fundamental research is needed for continuous innovation and future use at industrial scale. This book describes some remarkable materials used to carry out these electrochemical processes, with a critical revision and future perspectives of their applicability to different fields. Briefly, energy, bio-applications and environmental approaches were discussed using electrochemistry as the main tool, taking into account mainly nanostructures and nanomaterials as advanced materials.
Hard Cover
Length of Book: 301, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 978-1-53613-852-8
Language: English, Cost: $230 USD
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 978-1-53613-853-5
Length of Book: 301, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Language: English, Cost: $230 USD
Understanding Voltammetry
(3rd edition)
Author(s): Richard G Compton and Craig E Banks
The power of electrochemical measurements in respect of thermodynamics, kinetics and analysis is widely recognised but the subject can be unpredictable to the novice even if they have a strong physical and chemical background, especially if they wish to pursue quantitative measurements. Accordingly, some significant experiments are perhaps wisely never attempted while the literature is sadly replete with flawed attempts at rigorous voltammetry.
This textbook considers how to implement designing, explaining and interpreting experiments centered on various forms of voltammetry (cyclic, microelectrode, hydrodynamic, etc.). The reader is assumed
to have knowledge of physical chemistry equivalent to Master’s level but no exposure to electrochemistry in general, or voltammetry in particular. While the book is designed to stand alone, references to
important research papers are given to provide an introductory entry into the literature.
The third edition contains new material relating to electron transfer theory, experimental requirements, scanning electrochemical microscopy, adsorption, electroanalysis and nanoelectrochemistry.
Length of Book: 456, Publisher: World Scientific
Publication Year: 2018 ISBN: 978-1-78634-529-5(pbk)
Language: English Cost: US$ 68 or UK £60
Analytical Models for PEM fuel cell impedance
Author: Andrei Kulikovsky
The book reports recently developed analytical physics–based models for impedance of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell. Chapter 1 contains a transient macro-homogeneous model for the cathode catalyst layer, which forms a basis for all impedance models discussed in this book. Chapter 2 contains through–plane impedance models; Chapter 3 reports models for the cell impedance at open circuit. Chapter 4 discusses impedance due to oxygen transport in the cathode channel. The models of Chapters 2 to 4 are fast; however, their validity is limited by the cell current density of about a hundred mA cm−2. Chapter 5 presents a more general numerical model valid for the cell currents up to 1 A cm−2. Chapter 6 describes the model for extraction of spatially resolved data from a single impedance spectrum. The book is based on several tens of author’s papers on impedance spectroscopy of fuel cells. The book could be useful to fuel cell developers, researchers and students in the field of fuel cell science. Maple worksheets with the codes from this book for fitting experimental impedance spectra can be downloaded from
The book is available on Amazon website as paperback:
and in Kindle format:
Length of Book (Pages): 178, Publisher: Andrei Kulikovsky
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 9781521470749
Language: English, Cost: 25USD (paperback), 20USD (Kindle edition)
Chalcogenide Materials for Energy Conversion: Pathways to Oxygen and Hydrogen Reactions
Author(s): Prof. Alonso-Vante, Nicolas (University of Poitiers, France)
This book addresses electrocatalysis based on chalcogenides, particularly in the nanoscale domain. Special attention is paid to the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The book provides an introduction to materials synthesis; the basic principles of electrocatalysis; related precious metal versus non-precious metal catalytic center chalcogenides as well as supports; and the role of such supports in stabilizing the catalytic centers. In short: pursuing a bottom-up approach, it covers the properties of this class of electrocatalysts and examines their applications in low-temperature fuel systems such as microfluidic fuel cells for portable devices. Accordingly, it is ideally suited for all professionals and researchers interested in electrochemistry, renewable energy and electrocatalysis, and non-precious metal centers for chemical energy conversion.
Length of Book (Pages): 226.
Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG
Publication Year: 2018. ISBN: 978-3-319-89610-6
Language: English, Cost: 126.59 €
Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage
Edited by: Dunwei Wang (Boston College, USA), Guozhong Cao (University of Washington, USA)
This book looks at the most recent research on nanomaterials in energy conversion and storage, with particular focus on artificial photosynthesis and lithium-ion batteries as the most promising technologies to date. Research on the broad subject of energy conversion and storage calls for expertise from a wide range of backgrounds, from the most fundamental perspectives of the key catalytic processes at the molecular level to device scale engineering and optimization. Although the nature of the processes dictates that electrochemistry is a primary characterization tool, due attention is given to advanced techniques such as synchrotron studies in operando.
These studies look at the gap between the performance of current technology and what is needed for the future, for example how to improve on the lithium-ion battery and to go beyond its capabilities.
Suitable for students and practitioners in the chemical, electrochemical, and environmental sciences, This book provides the information needed to find scalable, economically viable and safe solutions for sustainable energy.
Length of Book (Pages): 836pp, Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co
Publication Year: 2018, ISBN: 978-1-78634-362-8
Language: English, Cost: US$239 / £210
High-Temperature Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage: Fundamentals and Applications
Author(s): Yixiang Shi, Ningsheng Cai, Tianyu Cao, Jiujun Zhang
Features: Introduces various high-temperature electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies; Discusses solid oxide fuel cells and solid oxide electrolysis cells;Details theoretical and experimental research for flame fuel cells and solid oxide direct carbon fuel cells
Summary: As global demands for energy and lower carbon emissions rise, developing systems of energy conversion and storage becomes necessary. This book explores how Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion (EESC) devices are promising advanced power systems that can directly convert chemical energy in fuel into power, and thereby aid in proposing a solution to the global energy crisis. The book focuses on high-temperature electrochemical devices that have a wide variety of existing and potential applications, including the creation of fuel cells for power generation, production of high-purity hydrogen by electrolysis, high-purity oxygen by membrane separation, and various high-temperature batteries. High-Temperature Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage: Fundamentals and Applications provides a comprehensive view of the new technologies in high-temperature electrochemistry. Written in a clear and detailed manner, it is suitable for developers, researchers, or students of any level.
Length of Book: 207 Pages
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication Year: 2017, ISBN: 9781498779272
Language: English, Cost: GBP£145.00
Pulse Voltammetry in Physical Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis. Theory and applications
Author(s): Angela Molina and Joaquin Gonzalez
This book provides a comprehensive and consistent presentation of all the techniques available in this field. The behavior of different single and multipotential step techniques is rigorously analyzed for electrodes of different geometries and sizes under transient and stationary conditions. The effects of these electrode features in studies of various electrochemical systems (solution systems, electroactive monolayers and liquid-liquid interfaces) are discussed. Explicit analytical expressions for the current-potential responses are given for all available cases. Applications of each technique are outlined for the elucidation of reaction mechanisms. Coverage is comprehensive: normal pulse voltammetry, double differential pulse voltammetry, reverse pulse voltammetry and other triple pulse and multipulse techniques, such as staircase voltammetry, differential staircase voltammetry, differential staircase voltcoulommetry, square wave voltammetry and square wave voltcoulommetry.
Length of Book (Pages): 671
Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-21250-0
Language: English Cost: 104 Euro (Amazon)
Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry
Editors: Prof.Dr. V.Z. Barsukov, Dr. Yu.V. Borysenko,
Prof.Dr. O.V. Linyucheva, Dr. I.V. Senyk, Dr. V.G. Khomenko
The monograph considers the modern problems and promising ways for their solving in the following key directions of applied electrochemistry: Electrochemical power sources (part 1), Electroplating (part 2), Corrosion protection (part 3), Electrochemical sensors (part 4), Modern electrochemical and related technologies (part 5). As the examples, which received some description in this monograph, it is possible to note the following main developments: promising anode, cathode and binder materials for effective lithium-ion accumulators and hybrid supercapacitors; effective catalysts for air-metal batteries and fuel cells; photobioelectrochemical fuel cells for electricity production from different organic wastes; new functional binary and ternary coatings; electrochemical sensors for monitoring of SO2, CO2 and other toxic substances; the effective coatings which can protect the metals of corrosion and people and electronic equipment of unfavorable effect of electromagnetic radiation, etc.
The Monograph could be useful for the wide range of lectors, scientists, PhD students, holders of a master's degree and students of Universities, engineers and technicians of various electrochemical enterprises.
Length of Book (Pages): 270, Publisher: Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
Publication Year: May, 2017, ISBN: 978-966-7972-79-0
Language: English, Cost: e-book: € 109.00, hard cover: € 140.00
Emerging Nanotechnologies in Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems
Editor(s): Dr. Lide Rodriguez-Martinez, CIC Energigune, Spain
Prof. Noshin Omar, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
The internal combustion engine (ICE), used for vehicular propulsion since the beginning of the automobile era, has come under pressure as a significant contributor to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions linked to global climate change. These growing environmental concerns, as well as rising petroleum prices, have strained the global economy and spurred research into the development of various types of clean energy transportation systems using electrically propelled vehicles, such as battery electric Vehicles (BEV), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).
Development, sizing, optimizing, and modeling of the energy storage system are among the main challenges for the development of the BEV, PHEV, and HEV.
In particular there is a strong interest in the emerging energy storage technologies, such as lithium–sulfur, solid state, zinc–air, lithium–air, and hybrid capacitors. Research is focusing on higher performances, durability, safety, lifetime, and cost, with specific accents according to the application, traction or stationary.
A lot of scientific research work has been performed to provide solutions for these challenges. Emerging Nanotechnologies in Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems provides an extensive overview of the technology development process for traction and stationary applications from material to system level.
The initial chapters describe in detail the present technology progress from materials points of view and in particular for nanotechnologies. The second half of the book covers the system-related topics, such as safety, thermal management, life cycle assessment and applications. The book deals with key topics in the field of rechargeable energy storage technologies that are interesting for researchers, PhD students, master students, R&D centers, and battery system and application designers.
Length of Book (Pages): 331 Publisher: Elsevier
Publication Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-0-323-42977-1
Language: English
Cost: Bundle (print + ebook): 154,8€, Print – hardcover: 109,65€, E-book: 109,65€
Bioelectrochemistry of Biomembrames and Biomimetic Membranes
Author: Rolando Guidelli
Chapter 1 deals with basic concepts of membrane biochemistry.
Chapter 2 deals with the electrostatics of biomembranes. The relation between electric field and electric potential is briefly touched upon, in order to introduce the derivation of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation and the Gouy-Chapman theory.
Chapter 3 is devoted to thermodynamics. After a brief introduction to some basic concepts of chemical thermodynamics, the thermodynamics of irreversible processes is explained and its importance in providing the basis for understanding the function of all ion pumps is pointed out.
Chapter 4 deals with the passive transport by ion channels. Particular emphasis is placed on voltage-gated channels and on the role of the transmembrane potential in modulating their function.
Chapter 5 describes the different types of ion pumps, pointing out the enzymatic cycle of both light-driven and ATP-driven proton pumps (ATPases).
Chapter 6 describes the various biomimetic membranes used to incorporate peptides and proteins in order to investigate their functional activity by electrochemical means.
Chapter 7 outlines the features of surface plasmon resonance, infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy, neutron reflectivity, fluorescence microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, Langmuir-Blodgett deposition and quartz-crystal microbalance, and is complemented by a few illustrative applications to solid-supported biomimetic membranes.
Length of Book: 328 pp, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Year: 2017, ISBN: 9781119278405
Language: English, Cost: $ 175
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, 2nd Edition
Authors: Mark E. Orazem and Bernard Tribollet
Provides fundamentals needed to apply impedance spectroscopy to a broad range of applications with emphasis on obtaining physically meaningful insights from measurements.
• Emphasizes fundamentals applicable to a broad range of applications including corrosion, biomedical devices, semiconductors, batteries, fuel cells, coatings, analytical chemistry, electrocatalysis, materials, and sensors.
• Provides illustrative examples throughout the text that show how the principles are applied to common impedance problems.
• New Edition has improved pedagogy, with more than twice the number of examples.
• New Edition has more in-depth treatment of background material needed to understand impedance spectroscopy, including electrochemistry, complex variables, and differential equations.
• New Edition includes expanded treatment of the influence of mass transport and kinetics and reflects recent advances in understanding frequency dispersion and constant-phase elements.
Length of Book (Pages): 768
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-1-118-52739-9
Language: English Cost: $135
Electrocatalystsfor Low Temperature Fuel Cells: Fundamentals and Recent Trends
Editor (s): T. Maiyalagan, Viswanathan S. Saji
The book covers the most recent advances in fuel cell technology highlighting the recent developments of novel low cost, high efficient nanostructured electrocatalysts. There are 20 chapters:
1. Principle of low temperature fuel cells using an ionic membrane
2. Research advancements in low temperature fuel cells
3. Electrocatalytic reactions involved in low temperature fuel cells
4. Direct hydrocarbon low temperature fuel cell
5. Oscillatory electro-oxidation of small organic molecules
6. Degradation mechanism of membrane fuel cells
7. Electrocatalysts and hybrid electrocatalyst-support systems for PEM fuel cells
8. Role of catalyst supports: Graphene-based novel electrocatalysts
9. Non-noble metal electrocatalysts for alkaline fuel cells
10. Anode electrocatalysts for direct borohydride and ammonia borane fuel cells
11. Nanostructured electrocatalysts for direct alcohol fuel cells
12. Electrocatalysis of facet controlled noble metal nanomaterials
13. Heteroatom-doped nanostructured carbon materials as electrocatalysts
14. Transition metal oxide, oxynitride, and nitride electrocatalysts
15. Spectroscopy and microscopy for characterization of fuel cell catalysts
16. Principles and factors affecting the catalyst design
17. Effect of gas diffusion layer structure on the performance of PEM fuel cell
18. Design and fabrication of porous metallic electrocatalysts
19. Dealloying driven nanoporous metallic electrocatalyst
20. Platinum monolayer electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction
Length of Book: 640 pages
Publisher: Wiley (
Publication Year: July 2017, ISBN: 978-3-527-34132-0
Language: English, Cost (Indicate Monetary Unit): $255.00
Nanomaterials for Fuel Cell Catalysis
Edited by Kenneth I. Ozoemena and Shaowei Chen
Nanomaterials for Fuel cell Catalysis is an edited book that highlights recent progress in electrocatalysis at both fuel cell anode and cathode, with a focus on the impacts of the design and nano-scale engineering of electrode catalysts on the catalytic performance. A significant portion is devoted to oxygen reduction reaction, as this has been recognized as a major bottleneck that largely determines the overall fuel cell performance due to its sluggish electron-transfer kinetics and complicated reaction pathways. Contributing authors are world experts in the field of fuel cell research and development.
1. Electrochemistry Fundamentals: Nanomaterials Evaluation and Fuel Cells
2. Recent Advances in the Use of Shape-Controlled Metal Nanoparticles in Electrocatalysis
3. Pt-Containing Heterogeneous Nanomaterials for Methanol Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction Reactions
4. Synthesis and Electrocatalysis of Pt-Pd Bimetallic Nanocrystals for Fuel Cells
5. Integrated Studies of Au@Pt and Ru@Pt Core-Shell Nanoparticles by In Situ Electrochemical NMR, ATR-SEIRAS, and SERS
6. Recent Development of Platinum-Based Nanocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Electrocatalysis
7. Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Nanoparticle Catalysts in Oxygen Reduction by Interfacial Engineering
8. Primary Oxide Latent Storage and Spillover for Reversible Electrocatalysis in Oxygen and Hydrogen Electrode Reactions
9. Metal-Organic Frameworks as Materials for Fuel Cell Technologies
10. Sonoelectrochemical Production of Fuel Cell Nanomaterials
11. Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell on Carbon Supported Pt Based Nanocatalysts
12. Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Nanostructured Materials for the Electrooxidation of Alcohols in Alkaline Media
13. Effects of Catalyst-Support Materials on the Performance of Fuel Cells
14. Applications of Nanomaterials in Microbial Fuel Cells
Length of Book: 640 pages
Publisher: Wiley (
Publication Year: July 2017, ISBN: 978-3-527-34132-0
Language: English, Cost: US$255.00
Nanomaterials in Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors
Edited by Kenneth I. Ozoemena and Shaowei Chen
Nanomaterials in Advanced Batteries and Supercapacitors is an edited book that highlights the importance of nanomaterials in the electrochemical performance of existing electrode materials for batteries and supercapacitors. It covers the state-of-the-art design, preparation, and engineering of nanoscale functional materials as effective electrodes for advanced batteries and supercapacitors, as well as perspectives and challenges in future research. Contributing authors are world experts in the field. The 15 chapters critical components of electrochemical energy storage systems.
1. Next-Generation Nanostructured Lithium-Ion Cathode Materials: Critical Challenges for New Directions in R&D
2. Li2MnSiO4 Nanostructured Cathodes for Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries
3. Metal Oxides and Lithium Alloys as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
4. Sn-Based Alloy Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Preparation, Multi-scale Structure, and Performance
5. Nanostructured Lithium Titanates (Li4Ti5O12) for Lithium-Ion Batteries
6. Anodes and Anode/Electrolyte Interfaces for Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries
7. Nanostructured Oxides as Cathode Materials for Supercapacitors
8. Carbon Materials for Supercapacitors
9. Transition Metal Oxides as Supercapacitor Materials
10. Nanostructured Manganese Oxides in Supercapacitors
11. Suspension Electrodes for Flow-Assisted Electrochemical Systems
12. Membrane Separators for Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies
13. Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolytes in Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems
14. Computational Modelling as a Value Add in Energy Storage Materials
15. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Supercapacitors
Length of Book: 567, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-26080-8
Language: English, Cost: Euro 129.99 (hard cover) and Euro 107.09 (eBook)
February 2017
Electrodeposition: Properties, Processes and Applications
Author: Udit Surya Mohanty
Key areas covered in the book are electrochemical synthesis of non-stoichiometric hydroxyapatite-nanodiamond composite coating, electrodeposited biomimetic hydroxyapatite functionalized by lactoferrin for bone-implantable biomaterials applications, layered manganese oxides intercalated with cationic polymers for manufacturing of pseudocapacitor electrodes, electrochromic materials, preparation of CuInSe2 thin films.
Length of Book (Pages): 348, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, NewYork
Publication Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-1-61470-826-1
Language: English, Cost: 165 USD
November 2016
Conducting Polymers. Bioinspired Intelligent Materials and Devices
Author: Toribio Fernández Otero
This book is devoted to the electrochemistry of conducting polymers (CPs) and other electroactive materials as soft, wet and reactive dense gels mimicking the intracellular matrix of functional cells. Different chapters are dedicated to the electrochemical synthesis and mechanism of CPs, the electrochemical behaviour of both, metal coated and self-supported polymeric electrodes, the electrochemical properties of the material and the concomitant electrochemical devices. Either, content (polymers, ions and water) properties and devices mimic the content, functions and organs from living beings. The reactions drive conformational movements of chains (molecular polymeric motors) and structural (swelling, shrinking, conformational compaction and conformational relaxation) material changes, here identified and quantified. The kinetic magnitudes Ea, k and the reaction orders change as a function of the initial conformational energy: they include quantitative conformational information. The electrochemical properties and concomitant devices (artificial muscles, organic batteries, electrochromic windows, smart membranes, sensors and biosensors, electron/ion transducers for artificial chemical synapse, and so on) are here reviewed. One reaction drives the simultaneous change of different properties: sensing and tactile artificial muscles (two electrochemical tools working simultaneously in a uniform device), mimicking haptic muscles and brain proprioception, are here presented and theoretically described. Electro-chemo-biomimetic technological and biochemical challenges are discussed.
Length of Book (Pages): 248, Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Publication Year: 2016 ISBN: 978-1-78262-315-1
Language: English, Cost: £ 159.00
November 2016
Morphology of Electrochemically and Chemically Deposited Metals
Author(s): Konstantin I. Popov, Stojan S. Djokic, Nebojsa D. Nikolic, Vladimir D. Jovic
This book is primarly devoted to investigation of morphology of electrochemically and chemically deposited metals and alloys. Mechanism of almost all existing morphological forms is explained and proved by impressive collection of microphotographs of electrodeposited crystals in all their variety. The book "Morphology of Electrochemically and Chemically Deposited Metals" is divided in nine chapters thematic devoted to determined field of investigation: the cathodic polarization curves in electrodeposition of metals, mechanisms of formation of some forms of electrodeposited pure metals, current distribution in electrochemical cells, electrodeposition at a periodically changing rate, electrodeposition of metals with hydrogen evolution, electrochemically produced metal powders, electrodeposited alloys and multilayered structures, electrodeposited alloy powders and chemical deposition of metals and alloys from aqueous solutions. This book is useful not only to academic community, but also to all those who are engaged in applied researches. It is of a special interest to the automotive, aerospace, electronics, energy device and biomedical industries. In academia, researchers in electrodeposition at both undergraduate and graduate levels will find this book a very valuable resource for their courses and projects.
Length of Book (Pages): 368. Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Publication Year: 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-26071-6 (Print); 978-3-319-26073-0 (Online)
Language: English, Cost: $119.00
Environmental Analysis by Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors - Applications
Editors(s): Ligia Maria Moretto and Kurt Kalcher
The development of electrochemical sensors exploiting new measuring technologies makes them useful for chemical analysis and characterization of analytes in practically all physical phases - and in different matrices in industrial, food, biomedical, and environmental fields. Environmental analytical chemistry demands highly sensitive, robust, and reliable sensors, able to give fast responses even for analysis in the field and in real time, a requirement which can be fulfilled in many cases only by electrochemical sensing elements. The intention was to build up an introduction and a concise but exhaustive description of the state of the art in scientific and practical work on environmental analysis, focused on electrochemical sensors. This manual is split into two volumes.
The second volume is more focused on practical applications, mostly complementary to the examples given in volume I, and
1. overviews and critically comments on sensors proposed for the determination of inorganic and organic analytes and pollutants, including emerging contaminants, as well as for the measurement of global parameters of environmental importance;
2. reviews briefly the mathematical background of data evaluation.
Length of Book (Pages): XIV, 713 Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4939-1300-8
Language: English, Cost: e-book : US$ 139.00, hard cover: US$ 179.00
July 2016
Environmental Analysis by Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors - Fundamentals
Editors(s): Ligia Maria Moretto and Kurt Kalcher
The development of electrochemical sensors exploiting new measuring technologies makes them useful for chemical analysis and characterization of analytes in practically all physical phases - and in different matrices in industrial, food, biomedical, and environmental fields. Environmental analytical chemistry demands highly sensitive, robust, and reliable sensors, able to give fast responses even for analysis in the field and in real time, a requirement which can be fulfilled in many cases only by electrochemical sensing elements. The intention was to build up an introduction and a concise but exhaustive description of the state of the art in scientific and practical work on environmental analysis, focused on electrochemical sensors. This manual is split into two volumes. The first one, covering the basic concepts and fundamentals of both environmental analysis and electrochemical sensors,
1. gives a short introduction and description of all environments which are subject to monitoring by electrochemical sensors, including extraterrestrial ones, as a particularly interesting and exciting topic;
2. provides essential background information on electroanalytical techniques and fundamental as well as advanced sensor technology;
3. supplies numerous examples of applications along with the concepts and strategies of environmental analysis in all the various spheres of the environment and with the principles and strategies of electrochemical sensor design.
Length of Book (Pages): XIV, 713 Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4939-0675-8
Language: English, Cost: e-book : US$ 219.00, hard cover: US$ 279.00
July 2016
Organic Electrochemistry 5th edition, revised and expanded
Ole Hammerich and Bernd Speiser (Editors) and 64 additional authors
The monograph explains in 44 chapters the field of organic electrochemistry from fundamental concepts through methodology (including electroanalytical techniqes, spectroelectrochemistry, surface techniques, simulation, and quantum chemical calculations), discussions of preparative electrochemistry on the laboratory and micro scale under classical and state-of-the art conditions to complex electroorganic reactions and syntheses. It deals with all relevant reaction types in organic electrochemistry and provides a comprehensive description of electrochemical conversions of organic compounds. Specific sections are devoted to stereochemical and biological as well as surface confined systems. In the 5th edition, not only chapters from previous editions have been thoroughly updated by their original or rewritten by new authors, but rather 16 new chapters have been included. Thus, the steady progress of organic electrochemistry since the 4th edition (2001) is reflected.
All chapters are written by internationally recognized colleges from the field.
Length of Book (Pages): 1712, Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Publication Publication Year: 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4200-8401-6 (hardback), 978-1-4200- 8402-3 (e-book)
Language: English, Cost: 162.35 £ (hardback), 133.70 £ (e-book)
July 2016
Electrochemistry of N4 Macrocyclic Metal Complexes Volume 2: Biomimesis, Electroanalysis and Electrosynthesis of MN4 Metal Complexes
Second Edition
Editors(s): Jose H Zagal & Fethi Bedioui
100-200 Word Description of Contents: This new edition describes the state of the art regarding metal complexes of N4-ligands, such as porphyrins and phthalocyanines. Volume 2 focuses on the electro assisted use of N4 complexes as biomimetic models for studying several biological redox processes. It focuses on molecular oxygen transport and catalytic activation to mimic monooxygenase enzymes of the cytochrome P450 in particular. It also examines N4 complexes’ use as catalysts for the oxidative degradation of various types of pollutants (organo-halides, for example) and residual wastes. The remarkable activity of these complexes towards a large number of significantly relevant biological compounds makes them excellent candidates as electrode modifiers for electrochemical sensing. This volume also discusses applications of N4 Macrocyclic Metal Complexes to photoelectrochemistry and photocatalysis, and concludes with an exciting section on Electrosynthesis of N4.
Length of Book (Pages): 436, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-31330-6
Language: English, Cost: 179 USD
July 2016
Electrochemistry of N4 Macrocyclic Metal Complexes Volume 1: Energy
Second Edition
Editors(s): Jose H Zagal & Fethi Bedioui
100-200 Word Description of Contents: This new edition describes the state of the art regarding molecular catalysts such as MN4 metal complexes, like porphyrins and phthalocyanines. This volume focuses on the particular case of the electrocatalysis of the reduction of O2 for practical applications in fuel cells and air batteries. Indeed, active and stable materials have been developed in the last 5 years where MN4 catalytic systems can be obtained by the pyrolysis of starting materials that do not necessarily involve MN4 complexes. These latter systems constitute a new class of stable and highly active non-precious metal catalysts for ORR that can replace expensive Platinum containing electrodes. The book also offers future projections and points out new fields of research and development of these non-precious metal catalysts.
Length of Book (Pages): 316, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-31170-8
Language: English, Cost: 179 USD
January 2016
Handbook of Nanoelectrochemistry
Electrochemical Synthesis Methods, Properties, and Characterization Techniques
Editors: Mahmood Aliofkhazraei, Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf
This handbook is devoted to different electrochemical aspects of nanomaterials. This comprehensive reference text is basically divided in 3 parts: electrochemical synthesis routes for nanosized materials, electrochemical properties of nano materials and electrochemical characterization methods for nanostructures. The Handbook is a reference work to chemists, electrochemists and materials scientists interested in nanoelectrochemistry. The chapters are written by a number of international experts in the field and the content will assist members of both electrochemical and materials communities to keep abreast of developments in the field.
Length of Book (Pages): 1451pp, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-15265-3
Language: English, Cost: 950 Euro
May 2015
Functional Materials in Amperometric Sensing. Polymeric, Inorganic, and Nanocomposite Materials for Modified Electrodes – Monographs in Electrochemistry
Series Editor: F.Scholz
Author(s): Renato Seeber, Fabio Terzi, Chiara Zanardi
100-200 Word Description of Contents: Amperometric sensors, biosensors included, particularly rely on suitable electrode materials. Progress in material science has led to a wide variety of options that are available today. These novel functional electrode coating materials are reviewed in this monograph, written by and for electroanalytical chemists. This includes intrinsically conducting, redox and ion-exchange polymers, metal and carbon nanostructures, silica based materials. Monolayers and relatively thick films are considered. The authors critically discuss preparation methods, in addition to chemical and physical characteristics of these new materials. They present various examples of emerging applications in electroanalysis.
Chapter 1. Importance of Modified Electrodes in Amperometric Sensing
Chapter 2. Intrinsecally Conductive Polymers
Chapter 3. Redox Polymers and Metallopolymers
Chapter 4. Ion Exchange Polymers
Chapter 5. Monolayers
Chapter 6. Nanosized Materials
Chapter 7. Silica-based Materials and Derivatives
Length of Book (Pages): 223; Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2014; ISBN: 978-3-662-50750-6
Language: English; Cost (Indicate Monetary Unit): 116,63 Euros (softcover)
Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: From Fundamentals to Application
Author: Alejandro A. Franco (Ed.)
Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: From Fundamentals to Application provides an overview of rechargeable lithium batteries, from fundamental materials, through characterization and modeling, to applications. The market share of lithium ion batteries is fast increasing due to their high energy density and low maintenance requirements. Lithium air batteries have the potential for even higher energy densities, a requirement for the development of electric vehicles, and other types of rechargeable lithium battery are also in development.
After an introductory chapter providing an overview of the main scientific and technological challenges posed by rechargeable Li batteries, Part One of this book reviews materials and characterization of rechargeable lithium batteries. Part Two covers performance and applications, discussing essential aspects such as battery management, battery safety and emerging rechargeable lithium battery technologies as well as medical and aerospace applications.
Length of Book (Pages): 412pp., Publisher: Elsevier/Woodhead Publisher
Publication Year: 2015, ISBN: 9781782420903
Language: English; Cost: 140,25 EUR
September 2014
Electrocatalysis. Theoretical Foundations and Model Experiments
Author(s): Richard C. Alkire, Dieter M. Kolb, Jacek Lipkowski
Catalysts speed up a chemical reaction or allow for reactions to take place that would not otherwise occur. The chemical nature of a catalyst and its structure are crucial for interactions with reaction intermediates.
An electrocatalyst is used in an electrochemical reaction, for example in a fuel cell to produce electricity. In this case, reaction rates are also dependent on the electrode potential and the structure of the electrical double-layer.
This work provides a valuable overview of this rapidly developing field by focusing on the aspects that drive the research of today and tomorrow. Key topics are discussed by leading experts, making this book a must-have for many scientists of the field with backgrounds in different disciplines, including chemistry, physics, biochemistry, engineering as well as surface and materials science. This book is volume XIV in the series "Advances in Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering".
Length of Book (Pages): 320 Publisher: Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA
Publication Year: 2013 ISBN: 978-3-527-33227-4
Language: English, Cost: 149 Euro
August 2014
Synthetic Diamond Films: Preparation, Electrochemistry, Characterization and Applications
Author(s): Enric Brillas (Editor), Carlos Alberto Martinez Huitle (Editor)
The book gives an overview on the current development status of synthetic diamond films and their applications. Its initial part is devoted to discuss the different types of conductive diamond electrodes that have been synthesized, their preparation methods, and their chemical properties and characterization. The electrochemical properties of diamond films in different scientific areas, with special attention in electroanalysis, are further described. Different strategies to modify these electrodes are also discussed as important technologies with ability to change their electrochemical characteristics for a more specific electroanalytical use. The second part of the book deals with practical applications of diamond electrodes to the industry, organic electrosynthesis, electrochemical energy technology, and biotechnology. Special emphasis is made on the properties of these materials for the production of strong oxidizing species allowing the fast mineralization of organics and their use for water disinfection and decontamination. Recent biotechnological development on biosensors, microelectrodes, and nanostructured electrodes, as well as on neurochemistry, is also presented. The book was written by a large number of internationally recognized experts and comprises 24 chapters describing the characteristics and theoretical fundamentals of the different electrochemical uses and applications of synthetic diamond films.
Length of Book (Pages): 680 pp, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Publication Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-0-470-48758-7
Language: English, Cost: Hardcover $204, Ebook $163
August 2014
An electrochemical platform for studying biomembrane processes. Mercury-supported biomimetic membranes
Author(s): Lucia Becucci and Rolando Guidelli
100-200 Word Description of Contents: Tethered bilayer lipid membranes (tBLMs) are biomimetic membranes consisting of a lipid bilayer interposed between the aqueous solution and a hydrophilic chain, called spacer, anchored to a metal electrode, which are used to incorporate single peptides or membrane proteins, so as to elucidate their structure-function relationships. Mercury is a particularly convenient supporting electrode material for tBLMs thanks to its liquid state, which imparts to the lipid bilayer a fluidity and lateral mobility comparable with that of biological membranes, but with a much higher robustness and resistance to electric fields. The free movement of lipid molecules enables mercury-supported tBLMs to react to the presence of proteins, charges and physical forces in a dynamic and responsive manner, mimicking the functionality of living cell membranes. This review describes the way in which the structure of these tBLMs is affected by the incorporation and functional activity of peptides and small proteins and the mode of formation of ohmic or voltage gated ion channels, by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, potential-step chronocoulometry, cyclic voltammetry and phase-sensitive AC voltammetry.
Length of Book (Pages): 116, Publisher: Lambert Academic Publishing
Publication Year: 2014, ISBN: 978-3-659-53859-9
Language: English, Cost : € 32.90
July 2014
Advanced Excel for scientific data analysis, 3rd greatly enlarged edition
Author: Robert de Levie
Description of Contents: Excel is the most ubiquitous numerical software available, thanks to its intuitive learning curve, visual nature, numerical transparency, and emphasis on using functions rather than computer coding. This book teaches through detailed examples, mostly taken from the analytical and physical chemistry literature, and emphasizes the advantages and pitfalls of the various methods.
This third edition includes two major additions that make Excel extra useful to scientists. The first is a great extension of its capabilities in matrix algebra, with 125 added new functions beyond the handful Microsoft provides. Consequently you can now perform eigenanalysis or singular value decomposition with a single command, very useful for chemometrics. The second is an extensive set of high-precision add-in functions, encompassing all of Excel’s regular mathematical, trigonometric, engineering, and statistical functions, and many more - with user-selectable numerical precision up to 32K. You will most likely never need such super-high precision, but the standard double precision of Excel, or even quadruple (28 decimal) precision, is often inadequate in scientific problems, especially those involving differentiation and/or matrix operations.
Google the author’s “Excellaneous” website for more details, and download sample sections illustrating the text, including a complete list of the extra matrix and high-precision functions.
Length of Book (Pages): 667 Publisher: Atlantic Academic
Publication Year: 2012 Cost: US$59.50
Language: English
July 2014
Interfacial Electrochemistry
Author(s): Elizabeth Santos, Wolfgang Schmickler
100-200 Word Description of Contents: This textbook treats the field from a modern, atomistic point of view while integrating the older, macroscopic concepts. The increasing role of theory is reflected in the presentation of the basic ideas in a way that should appeal to experimentalists and theorists alike. Special care is taken to make the subject comprehensible to scientists from neighboring disciplines, especially from surface science. The book is suitable for an advanced course at the master or Ph.D. level, but should also be useful for practicing electrochemists, as well as to any scientist who wants to understand modern electrochemistry.
Length of Book (Pages): 270, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2010 ISBN: 978-3-642-49361
Language: English, Cost: 64 Euros
July 2014
Understanding Voltammetry: Simulation of Electrode Processes
Author(s): Richard G Compton, Eduardo Laborda And Kristopher R Ward
100-200 Word Description of Contents: This is the first textbook in the field of electrochemistry that will teach experimental electrochemists to carry out simulation of electrode processes. Processes at both macro- and micro-electrodes are examined and the simulation of both diffusion-only and diffusion-convection processes are addressed. The simulation of processes with coupled homogeneous kinetics and at microelectrode arrays are further discussed.
Over the course of the book the reader's understanding is developed to the point where they will be able to undertake and solve research-level problems. The book leads the reader through from a basic understanding of the principles underlying electrochemical simulation to the development of computer programs which describe the complex processes found in voltammetry.
This is the third book in the 'Understanding Voltammetry' series, published with Imperial College Press and written by the Compton Group.
Length of Book (Pages): 249 Publisher: Imperial College Press
Publication Year: 2014 ISBN: 978-1-78326-323-3
Language: English Cost: £38.00 (Hard cover); £29.00 (Paper)
July 2014
Developments in Electrochemistry:
Science Inspired by Martin Fleischmann
Editors: Derek Pletcher, Zhong-Qun Tian and David Williams
Authors include: Morteza Abyaneh, Philip Bartlett, Alan Bond, Salvatore Daniele, Guy Denuault, Claude Gabrielli, Hubert Girault, Bing-Wei Mao, Digby Macdonald, Michael McKubre, Melvin Miles, Jorge Mostany, Marco Musiani, Richard Nichols, Laurence Peter, Derek Pletcher, Andrea Russell, Benjamin Scharifker, Zhong-Qun Tian, Frank Walsh, David Williams, Robert Wood
While this book was written as a tribute to Martin Fleischmann to mark his many contributions to electrochemical science particularly related to the development of techniques for understanding electrode reactions, it is not a historical document. Rather it is intended to reflect the state of electrochemical research in 2014. Each of the chapters highlights a topic of current importance, setting out the contribution of Martin Fleischmann and reviewing the literature to the present time. The chapters are all written by one-time associates of Martin Fleischmann, now established experts within their fields.
Topics covered include:
• Voltammetry
• Microelectrodes
• Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
• Electrochemical Noise Methods
• Electrochemical Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
• In situ Scanning Probe Microscopies
• In situ IR spectroscopy
• In-Situ X-Ray Techniques
• Electrochemical Nucleation and Phase Growth
• Organic Electrochemistry
• Cell Design and Electrochemical Engineering
• Corrosion
• Liquid- liquid Interfaces
• Light Driven Water Splitting
• Tribocorrosion
• Electrodes in Biological Science
Length of Book: 19 chapters, 392 pages. Publisher: Wiley
Publication Year: 2014, ISBN: ISBN: 978-1-118-69434-3
Language: English: Cost: 81 euros (hardback), 65 euros (e-version)
May 2014
Nanotechnology in Electrocatalysis for Energy
Author(s): Alessandro Lavacchi, Hamish Miller, FrancescoVizza
ICCOM CNR, Via Madonna del Piano, 10, 50019, Sesto Fiorentino (FI) Italy
This book focuses on nanotechnology in electrocatalysis for energy applications. In particular, it covers nanostructured electrocatalysts for low temperature fuel cells, low temperature electrolyzers and electrochemical valorization. The function of this book is to provide an introduction to basic principles of electrocatalysis, together with a review of the main classes of materials and electrode architectures. The book illustrate the basic ideas behind material design and provide an introductory sketch of current research focuses. The easy-to-follow three part book focuses on major formulas, concepts and philosophies. The book is ideal for professionals and researchers interested in the field of electrochemistry, renewable energy and electrocatalysis.
Length of Book (Pages): 331 pages Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4899-8059-5
Language: English, Cost :135.19 Eur
December 2013
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and its Applications
Author: Andrzej Lasia
Département de chimie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, J1K 2R1, Canada
This book presents a complete overview of the powerful but often misused technique of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The book presents a systematic and complete overview of EIS. The book carefully describes EIS and its application in studies of electrocatalytic reactions and other electrochemical processes of practical interest. This book is directed towards graduate students and researchers in Electrochemistry. Concepts are illustrated through detailed graphics and numerous examples. The book also includes practice problems. Additional materials and solutions are available online.
Length of Book (Pages): 367, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: end of 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4614-8932-0
Language: English, Cost : 57.25$US on Amazon, $69.99 from Springer
August 2013
Understanding Physics and Physical Chemistry Using Formal Graphs
Author: Eric Vieil
Electrochemistry is at the heart of this transverse approach through many scientific domains.
- Classroom-tested on PhD candidates, takes a fundamental and simplified approach to physics, physical chemistry and electrochemistry
- New insights and viewpoints are brought by comparison between domains that were considered unconnected
- A powerful modeling tool based on graphs extending known theories towards more generality and better compatibility between them
- Uses graphs to introduce physics and electrochemistry concepts
- Equations are replaced by graphs. Does not require a high level of mathematics: only prior knowledge of partial differentiation and integration
With the help of this new tool, the modeling of physical phenomena becomes a fascinating cross-disciplinary exploration. The graphs encourage a visual, unified comprehension of the relationships between physical concepts and variables, properties, and operators. Out-of-the-box and thought provoking, this book inspires lively discussions and fruitful thinking about the connections between mechanics, chemical reactivity, electrodynamics, thermodynamics, electrochemistry and more.
More than 80 case studies are tackled through all domains.
Length of Book (Pages): 800, Publisher: CRC Press (Taylor & Francis)
Publication Year: 2012, ISBN: 142008612X
Language: English, Cost: 102 euros
July 2013
Electrocatalysis in Fuel Cells: A Non- and Low- Platinum Approach
Editor: Minhua Shao
Author(s): R. Adzic, J.G. Chen, A. Wieckowski, C. Rice, P. Pickup, E. Antolini, K. Ozoemena, J.H. Zagal, P. Zelenay, J.-P. Dodelet, Z. Chen, L. Dai, K.-I. Ota, N. Alonso-Vante, J. M. Feliu, P. Strasser, S. Ball, J.J. Zhang, P.B. Balbuena, R.T. Atanasoski, W.E. Mustain
Recent intensive research efforts have led to the development of less expensive and more abundant electrocatalysts for fuel cells. This book aims to summarize recent advances of electrocatalysis in oxygen reduction and alcohol oxidation, with a particular focus on low- and non-Pt electrocatalysts. The book is divided into two parts containing 24 chapters total. All the chapters were written by leading experts in their fields. Part I contains 6 chapters and focuses on the electro-oxidation reactions of small organic fuels. The subsequent 18 chapters in Part II cover the oxygen reduction reactions on low- and non- Pt catalysts.
The book is geared toward researchers in the field, postgraduate students and lecturers, and scientists and engineers at fuel cell and automotive companies. It can even be a reference book for those who are interested in this area.
Length of Book (Pages): 768, Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2013, ISBN:978-1-4471-4910-1
Language: English, Cost: $279
June 2013
Recent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology
Author(s): (Ed.) Ujjal Kumar Sur
This book titled "Recent Trend in Electrochemical Science and Technology" contains a selection of chapters focused on advanced methods used in the research area of electrochemical science and technologies; descriptions of electrochemical systems; processing of novel materials and mechanisms relevant for their operation.
This book provides an overview on some of the recent development in electrochemical science and technology. Particular emphasis is given both to the theoretical and the experimental aspect of modern electrochemistry. Since it was impossible to cover the rich diversity of electrochemical techniques and applications in a single issue, the focus is on the recent trends and achievements related to electrochemical science and technology.
Length of Book (Pages): 306, Publisher: INTECH - OPEN ACCESS PUBLISHER
Publication Year: 2012, ISBN: 978-953-307-830-4
Language: English, Cost: electronic version, free
May 2013
Developments in Electrochemistry
(Ed.) Jang H. Chun
The book "Developments in Electrochemistry" contains five feature articles in recent advanced electrochemistry. These selected feature articles emphasize physical phenomena rather than mathematical formalisms of electrochemistry.
The topics represented in the book are: The phase-shift method and correlation constants for determining the electrochemical Frumkin, Langmuir, and Temkin adsorption isotherms at interfaces; Quantitative separation of an adsorption effect in the form of defined current probabilistic responses for catalyzed/inhibited electrode processes; A quick, simple, and non-invasive method to evaluate sudomotor dysfunctions; Cyclohexane-based liquid-biphasic systems for organic electrochemistry; Electrochemical transformation of white phosphorus as a way to compounds with phosphorus-hydrogen and phosphorus-carbon bonds.
The work represented in this book will be useful, effective, and beneficial to physicists, chemists, surface scientists, material scientists, engineers, and especially electrochemists.
Length of Book (Pages): 124, Publisher: InTech - Open Access Publisher; Croatia
Publication Year: 2012; ISBN: 978-953-51-0851-1;
Language: English; Cost: Open Access electronic version - free (,
Cost of specially ordered hard copy - 100 Euro
The Basics, with Examples
Author(s): Christine Lefrou, Pierre Fabry, Jean-Claude Poignet
This book provides a balanced coverage of the thermodynamic and kinetic processes at the heart of electrochemical reactions and electrochemical systems. While the first half gives an overview of the fundamental concepts appropriate to undergraduate students, the second half gives an in depth account of electrochemical systems suitable to experienced scientists and course lecturers. The concepts are clearly explained and well illustrated. Mathematical treatments are included but kept to a minimum. The book contains a number of problems with detailed worked out answers.
Length of Book (Pages): 352 p Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: Hardcover : 79,07 € and Ebook : 63,06 €
Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and Applications
Author(s): Rachid Yazami
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
The book ambitions to become a reference book in the fast-growing field of nanostructured materials for energy storage and conversion which is expected to shape the next-generation lithium-ion batteries driven by a highly demanding and fast-expanding market.
The book consists of 11 chapters covering the most critical aspects of the science and technology of nanomaterial electrodes for application in advanced lithium-ion batteries. The chapters include nanostructured anode materials based on Si, Ge, Sn, and other metals and metal oxides together with cathode materials of olivine, the hexagonal and spinel crystal structures.
Length of Book (Pages): 350 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing
Print ISBN: 978-981-4316-40-8 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-23-2
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: US$149.95
Physics and Chemistry of Graphene
Author(s): Toshiaki Enoki & Tsuneya Ando (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
From the chemistry aspect, graphene is the extrapolated extreme of condensed polycyclic hydrocarbon molecules to infinite size. Here, the concept of aromaticity, which organic chemists utilize, is applicable. Interesting issues appearing between physics and chemistry are pronounced in nano-sized graphene (nanographene), as we recognize the importance of the shape of nanographene in understanding its electronic structure. This book comprehensively discusses the fundamental issues related to the electronic, magnetic, and chemical properties of condensed polycyclic hyodrocarbon molecules, nanographene, and graphene.
Length of Book (Pages): 460 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing
Print ISBN: 978-981-4241-48-9 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4241-49-6
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: US$149.95
Many-electron Electrochemical Processes. Reactions in Molten Salts, Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids and Ionic Solutions
Series: Monographs in Electrochemistry, Editor: Fritz Scholz
Author(s): Alexander A. Andriiko, Yuriy O Andriyko, Gerhard E. Nauer
The authors provide a unified concept for understanding multi-electron processes in electrochemical systems such as molten salts, ionic liquids, or ionic solutions. A major advantage of this concept is its independence of assumptions like one-step many-electron transfers or ‘discrete’ discharge of complex species. Therefore this monograph is a unique resource for basic electrochemical research but also for many important applications such as electrodeposition, electrorefining, or electrowinning of polyvalent metals from molten salts and other ionic media.
Keywords » Electrochemical Kinetics - Electrochemistry of Ionic Liquids - Electrochemistry of Ionic Solutions - Electrochemistry of Molten Salts - Electrode Film Systems - Electrodeposition - Electrorefining - Electrowinning of Polyvalent Metals - Lithium Power Sources - Many-electron Electrochemcal Systems
Length of Book (Pages): 167 Publisher: Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-35769-5
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: 99.99 €
Electrochemical Dictionary, 2nd edition
Editors: A. J. Bard, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz
Author(s): Multi-author book
This second edition of the highly successful dictionary offers more than 300 new or revised terms. A distinguished panel of electrochemists provides up-to-date, broad and authoritative coverage of 3000 terms most used in electrochemistry and energy research as well as related fields, including relevant areas of physics and engineering.
Each entry supplies a clear and precise explanation of the term and provides references to the most useful reviews, books and original papers to enable readers to pursue a deeper understanding if so desired. Almost 600 figures and illustrations elaborate the textual definitions. The “Electrochemical Dictionary” also contains biographical entries of people who have substantially contributed to electrochemistry.
Length of Book (Pages): 991 Publisher: Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-29550-8
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 199.95 €
Polymer electrolyte membrane and direct methanol fuel cell technology
Volume 1: Fundamentals and performance of low temperature fuel cells
Volume 2: In-situ characterisation techniques for low-temperature fuel cells
Author(s): Christoph Hartnig, Christina Roth (eds)
PEMFCs and DMFCs represent promising low-temperature electrochemical power generation technologies that operate on hydrogen and methanol, respectively. This two volume set presents a comprehensive and detailed review of the fundamentals, performance and in-situ characterisation of PEMFCs and DMFCs. Volume 1 covers the fundamental science and engineering of these types of fuel cell, while volume 2 is dedicated to sophisticated in-situ characterisation methods.
Volume 1, 436 pages; Volume 2, 520 pages
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 188 EUR; 215 EUR
Electrochemical Science and Technology
Author(s): Keith B. Oldham, Jan C. Myland and Alan M. Bond
The book treats electrochemistry as a science in its own right, albeit firmly based on foundations provided by Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Early chapters discuss the electrical and chemical properties of materials from which electrochemical cells are constructed. The behavior of such cells is addressed in later chapters, with emphasis on the electrodes and the reactions that occur on their surfaces. The role of transport to and from electrodes is a topic that commands attention , because it crucially determines cell efficiency. Final chapters deal with voltammetry, the methodology used to investigate electrode behavior. Interspersed among the more fundamental chapters are chapters devoted to applications of electrochemistry: electrosynthesis, power sources, “green electrochemistry” and corrosion.
Length of Book (Pages):405 Publisher: Wiley
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: $55
Self-Organization in Electrochemical Systems.
Vol. I: General Principles of Self-Organization. Temporal Instabilities.
Vol. II: Spatiotemporal Patterns and Control of Chaos.
Series: Monographs in Electrochemistry, Editor: Fritz Scholz
Author: Marek Orlik
The two-volume monograph which discusses both the theory and experimental manifestations of self-organization (periodic and chaotic oscillations, multistability) in electrochemical systems. The first volume describes self-organization as a function of time, without taking into account the spatial heterogeneity. The second volume is devoted to self-organization developing in space and time, leading to corresponding dissipative patterns, including a. o. the Turing-like, dendritic patterns, and convective structures, as well as recent aspects of control of electrochemical chaos. Characteristics of experimental and model electrochemical systems is preceded by universal mathematical foundations of nonlinear dynamics.
Length of Book (Pages): 528 pages (Vol. I); 448 pages (Vol. II)
Publisher: Springer
Publication Year: 2012
Vol. I: 181,85 Euro (hardcover); 142,79 Euro (eBook)
Vol. II: 203,25 Euro (hardcover); 160,64 Euro (eBook)
Aluminium Alloy Corrosion of Aircraft Structures: Modelling and Simulation
Author(s): J.A. DeRose & T. Suter, Laboratory for Joining Technologies and Corrosion, EMPA, Switzerland,
T. Hack, Innovation Works, EADS Deutschland GmbH, Germany and R. Adey, CM BEASY Ltd, UK
Bringing together the latest research this book applies new modelling techniques to corrosion issues in aircraft structures. It describes complex numerical models and simulations from the microscale to the macroscale for corrosion of the aluminium (Al) alloys that are typically used for aircraft construction, such as AA2024. The approach is also applicable to a range of other types of structures, such as automobiles and other forms of ground vehicles.
The main motivation for developing the corrosion models and simulations was to make significant technical advancements in the fields of aircraft design (using current and new materials), surface protection systems (against corrosion and degradation) and maintenance. The corrosion models address pitting and intergranular corrosion (microscale) of Al alloys, crevice corrosion in occluded areas, such as joints (mesoscale), galvanic corrosion of aircraft structural elements (macroscale), as well as, the effect of surface protection methods (anodisation, corrosion inhibitor release, clad layer, etc.).
The book describes the electrochemical basis for the models, their numerical implementation, and experimental validation and how the corrosion rate of the Al alloys at the various scales is influenced by its material properties and the surface protection methods. It will be of interest to scientists and engineers interested in corrosion modelling, aircraft corrosion, corrosion of other types of vehicle structures such as automobiles and ground vehicles, electrochemistry of corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, and intergranular corrosion.
Length of Book (Pages): 200 Publisher: WITPress
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: £148.00
Nanosystems Electrochemistry
Author(s): R G Compton and J D Wadhawan
Topics examined in this volume include: single event electrochemistry, nanoparticle electrocatalysis, bipolar electrochemistry in the nanosciences, nanocarbon electrochemistry, electrochemistry within template nanosystems and electrochemistry within liquid nanosystems.
The volume is a key reference in the field of electrochemistry, allowing the reader to become acquainted with the latest research and opinion. Purchasers of the print edition can register for free access to the electronic version.
Length of Book (Pages): 234 Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry (UK)
Publication Year: 2013, Cost : £284.95 (Amazon)
Understanding Voltammetry: Problems and Solutions
Author(s): R G Compton, C Batchelor-McAuley and E J F Dickinson
This book presents problems and worked examples for a wide range of theoretical and experimental subjects in the field of voltammetry. The reader is assumed to have knowledge up to a Master's level of physical chemistry, but no exposure to electrochemistry in general, or voltammetry in particular. The problems range in difficulty from senior undergraduate to research level, and develop important practical approaches in voltammetry.
The problems presented in the earlier chapters focus on the fundamental theories of thermodynamics, electron transfer and diffusion. Voltammetric experiments and their analysis are then considered, including extensive problems on both microelectrode and macroelectrode voltammetry. Convection, hydrodynamic electrodes, homogenous kinetics, adsorption and electroanalytical applications are discussed in the later chapters, as well as problems on two rapidly developing fields of voltammetry: weakly supported media and nanoscale electrodes.
Length of Book (Pages): 253 Publisher: Imperial College Press
Publication Year: 2012, Cost : US$ 56.88 (Amazon)
Electrochemical Biosensors
Author(s): Serge Cosnier (Université Joseph Fourier, France)
This book provides an overview of biosensors based on amperometry, conductimetry, potentiometry, square-wave voltammetry, impedance, and electrochemiluminescence and describes the use of ultramicroelectrodes for the real-time monitoring and understanding of exocytosis. Areas of particular interest are the use of silver and gold nanoparticles for signal amplification, photocurrent transduction, and aptamer design. Moreover, advanced insights in the innovative concept of self-powered biosensors derived from biofuel cells are also discussed.
Length of Book (Pages): 350 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: US$149.95
Print ISBN: 978-981-4411-46-2 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4411-47-9
Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Science, Applications and Challenges
Author(s): Alejandro A. Franco (Laboratoire de Réactivité et de Chimie des Solides-LRCS-, CNRS & Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France)
This book focuses on the recent research progresses on the fundamental understanding of the materials degradation phenomena in PEFC, for automotive applications. On a multidisciplinary basis, this book provides a complete and comprehensive critical review on crucial scientific topics related to PEFC materials degradation, and ensures a strong complementarity between experimental and theoretical analysis (experimental accelerated aging methods in ex-situ and in-situ conditions, stability properties of nanoparticles, structural and physicochemical characterization of methods of degradation, detailed theoretical modeling, elementary mechanisms, nano-electrocatalysts and carbon support behaviour under realistic operation conditions...) and preparation techniques (technologies of nano-electro-catalysts, membranes and carbon support elaboration…) with several practical applications for both the research and industry communities.
Length of Book (Pages): 350 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing
Print ISBN: 978-981-4310-82-6 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4364-40-9
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: US$149.95
Laser Techniques for the Study of Electrode Processes
Series: Monographs in Electrochemistry, Editor: Fritz Scholz
Author(s): Gyözö G. Lang, Cesar A. Barbero
Laser-enabled measurements are valuable tools for the investigation of surfaces and interfaces or for the in situ investigation of interfacial processes including electrode processes. The understanding of the thermodynamics of solid/liquid surfaces is important for surface science and electrochemistry. In the first part of this book, the authors describe a range of techniques for investigating interfacial tension and surface stress, which is important for coatings, thin films, and fuel cells. The techniques covered comprise bending beam (bending plate, bending cantilever, wafer curvature) methods with different detection techniques. Special attention is given to methods using optical detection by laser beam deflection or interferometry. The second part is devoted to the techniques based on the detection of refractive index gradients in the solution. The refractive index changes could be related to concentration gradients (Probe Beam Deflection, PBD) or light-induced thermal gradients (Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy, PDS). The application of the techniques to surface-confined and solution electrochemical systems is described. Subsequently, a comparison with others techniques able to monitor ion fluxes is performed.
Keywords » Bending Beam Method - Coatings - Electrochemistry - Electrode Processes - Fuel Cells - Interferometry - Ion Fluxes - Mirage Effect - Photothermal Beam Deflection - Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PSD) - Probe Beam Deflection (PBD) - Supercapacitors - Surface Stress Changes of Solid Electrodes - Surface Tension - Thin Films
Length of Book (Pages): 289 Publisher: Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-27650-7
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 129.95 €
Impedance Spectroscopy Applications to Electrochemical and Dielectric Phenomena
Author(s): Vadim F. Lvovich
Compiling the cumulative research of the last two decades on theoretical considerations and practical applications of impedance spectroscopy, this book covers all of the topics that will help readers quickly determine whether this technique is an appropriate method of analysis for their own research problems, and how to apply it. This includes understanding how to correctly make impedance measurements, in¬terpret the results, compare these results with previously published information, and use appropriate mathematical formulas to verify the data accuracy.
Unique to this monograph is an emphasis on practical applications of impedance spectroscopy. Impedance Spectroscopy is developed around a representative catalogue of the most commonly encountered impedance data examples for large variety of established, emerging, and non-conventional experimental and applied systems. The book also presents theoretical considerations for dealing with impedance data modeling, equivalent circuits, relevant complex domain mathematical equations, and physical and chemical interpretation of the experimental results for many problems encountered in research and industrial settings. A review of impedance instrumentation, selection of best measurement methods for particular systems, and analysis of potential sources of error is further included. Many helpful ref¬erences to scientific literature for further information on particular topics and current research are offered, along with an overview of impedance spectroscopy modifications and related techniques.
Impedance Spectroscopy is primarily addressed to industrial scientists, engineers, researchers and graduate students working in electro¬chemistry, chemical engineering, biomedical sciences, advanced materials, renewable energy, sensors, electronics, and other related fields.
Length of Book (Pages): 353Publisher:John Wiley and Sons
Publication Year:2012, Cost: $100.00
Lead-Acid Batteries: Science and Technology
Author(s): Detchko Pavlov
The book presents a comprehensive overview of the theory of the technological processes of lead-acid battery manufacture and their influence on battery performance parameters. It summarizes the current knowledge about the technology of lead-acid battery production and presents it in the form of an integral theory. This theory is supported by ample illustrative material and experimental data, thus allowing technologists and engineers to control the technological processes in battery plants and providing university lecturers with a toll for clear and in-depth presentation of the technology of lead-acid battery production in their courses. The relationship between the technological processes and the performance characteristics of the batteries is disclosed too.
Length of Book (Pages): 656 Publisher: ELSEVIER
Publication Year: 2011, Cost: 160 EUR
Electrochemistry of Insertion Materials for Hydrogen and Lithium
Series: Monographs in Electrochemistry, Editor: Fritz Scholz
Author(s): Su-Il Pyun, Heon-Cheol Shin, Jong-Won Lee, Joo-Young Go
The understanding of hydrogen/lithium insertion phenomena is of great importance for the development of the next generation of functional electrochemical devices such as rechargeable batteries, electrochromic devices, and fuel cells. This volume introduces a variety of viable electrochemical methods to identify reaction mechanisms and evaluate relevant kinetic properties of insertion electrodes. The authors also outline various ways to analyze anomalous behaviour of hydrogen/lithium transport through insertion electrodes.
Keywords » Electrochemistry - Hydrogen Transport - Insertion Materials - Lithium Transport - Metal Membrane Electrodes
Length of Book (Pages): 249 Publisher: Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-29463-1
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 99.95 €
Pulse Plating
Author(s): Wolfgang E. G. Hansal and Sudipta Roy
This long awaited book appears after more than 25 years of the publication of the first pulse plating book in the mid-eighties. The book aims to cover pulse plating advancements over the quarter century following the first book - from mid-eighties to the first decade of the 21st century.
New understanding and developments on fundamental and applied aspects of pulse plating, which has been enabled by the rapid development of digital current rectifiers is a great differentiator against the first pulse plating book. Novel approaches to pulse plating, using knowledge based approaches such as modeling analysis, to solve particular problems have been elaborated.
Length of Book (Pages): 385 Publisher: Leuze Verlag
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 219 Euros
Electrochemical Nanofabrication: Principles and Applications
Author(s): Di Wei (Nokia Research Centre, UK)
Nanotechnology has attracted billions of venture capital from research institutes, governments, and industries in recent years. Traditional nanofabrication techniques, such as CVD, sol-gel, and self-assembly, have been intensively studied. However, the electrochemical nanofabrication technique, which offers huge benefits for manufacturing nanomaterials as well as broad applications in industry, has not been paid much attention compare with the traditional nanofabrication methods. This book fits the niche of such technology. This book summarizes different electrochemical nanofabrication methods and shows the various essential applications of them in areas such as batteries, sensors, and many future applications.
-Discusses the principles of electrochemical nanofabrications and their great potential in sensors, batteries, optoelectronics, and many future applications
-Presents contributions by leading scientists and researchers in the field that review current state-of-the art and future prospects for electrochemical nanofabrications
-A combination of truly worldwide contribution from leading scientists in the United Kingdom, China, Germany, Finland, and Spain-Includes an extensive bibliography for further reading
-Electrochemical Nanofabrications: The General View.
-Electrochemical Replication of Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Nanostructures. Electrochemical Synthesis of Nanomaterials in Ionic Liquids.
-Applications of Functionalized Ionic Liquid Nanocomposites for Electroanalytical Chemistry.
-Nanostructured TiO2 Materials for a New Generation of Li-Ion Batteries.
Hierarchically Nanostructured Electrode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries. Nanomaterials in Electrochemical Devices
Length of Book (Pages): 280 Publisher: Pan Stanford Publishing
Print ISBN: 978-981-4303-73-6 eBook ISBN: 978-981-4303-74-3
Publication Year: 2011, Cost: US$149.95
Bio/CMOS Interfaces and co-design
Author(s): Sandro Carrara
The modern demand of distributed diagnostics imposes new challenges to the world of electrochemistry. In particular, low cost, easy to use, light, miniaturized, point-of-care, implantable VLSI systems need to be designed and developed. These new CMOS systems that integrate novel electrochemical sensors also have to integrate biological surfaces. This is highly required to shortening the gap between the development of electrochemical sensors, the CMOS circuitry and the biological systems of applications. Thus, the aim of the book is to define new paradigms of the electrochemical interfaces integrated with CMOS circuits and Biological materials.
Length of Book (Pages): 258 Publisher: SPRINGER
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: 106 EURO
Conducting Polymers. A New Era in Electrochemistry, 2nd edition
Series: Monographs in Electrochemistry, Editor: Fritz Scholz
Author(s): György Inzelt
This second edition of a well-received volume has been thoroughly updated and expanded to cover the most recent developments. Coverage now includes additional polymers such as polyindole and polyazines, composites of polymers with carbon nanotubes, metals, and metal oxides, as well as bending-beam techniques for characterization. Again, the author provides a systematic survey of the knowledge accumulated in this field in the last thirty years. This includes thermodynamic aspects, the theory of the mechanism of charge transport processes, the chemical and physical properties of these compounds, the techniques of characterization, the chemical and electrochemical methods of synthesis as well as the application of these systems. The book contains a compilation of the polymers prepared so far and covers the relevant literature with almost 2000 references.
Keywords » Characterization of Conducting Polymers - Composite Materials - Electrochemically Active Polymers - Electron Transport in Conducting Polymers - Intrinsically Conducting Polymers (ICP) - Materials for Energy Technologies - Redox Polymers - Sensor Materials - Syntheses of Conducting Polymers
Length of Book (Pages): 309 Publisher: Springer, Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-27620-0
Publication Year: 2012, Cost: 129.95 €
Handbook of Reference Electrodes
Editors: György Inzelt, Andrzej Lewenstam, Fritz Scholz
Authors: F.G.K. Baucke, A.I. Bhatt, Z. Galus, G. Gritzner, G. Inzelt, K. Izutsu,
H. Kahlert, T. Kakiuchi, V.V. Kharton, A. Kisiel, A. Lewenstam,
K. Maksymiuk, A. Michalska, J. Migdalski, M. Rohwerder, F. Scholz,
G.A. Snook, P. Spitzer, G. Tauber, E.V. Tsipis, G. Tsirlina, S. Wunderli
Electrode potentials.- Reference redox systems in non-aqueous systems and the relation of electrode potentials in non-aqueous and mixed solvents to standard potentials in water.- Liquid junction potentials.- Salt bridges and diaphragms.- Reference electrodes for aqueous solutions.- Reference Electrodes for Use in Nonaqueous Solutions.- Reference electrodes for ionic liquids and molten salts.- Reference Electrodes in Oxidic Glass Melts.- Reference electrodes for solid electrolyte devices.- Direct solid contact in reference electrodes.- Micro reference electrodes.- Conducting polymer based reference electrodes.- Screen-printed, disposable, reference electrodes.- Pseudo-reference electrodes.- The Kelvin Probe technique as reference electrode for application on thin and ultra-thin electrolyte films.
Length of Book (Pages): 344_Publisher: Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, New York
ISBN 978-3-642-36187-6
Publication Year: 2013, Cost: 139,09 €