Student meeting

Graduate Students who are members of ISE and intend to organize a Regional Student Meeting can apply for ISE financial support. Applications submitted by Graduate Students jointly with their supervisors or with other senior members of the staff of their university are also acceptable, but it is expected that the students will be engaged in the organizational aspects of the meeting as much as possible. Regional Student Meetings are typically one-day meetings involving graduate students active in the geographic area where the meeting takes place. The format of the meeting (oral presentations, posters, discussion sessions, other) is autonomously decided by the organizers who will be responsible for securing a venue and collecting registrations. No registration fee should be requested, if financially possible. When the Regional Student Meeting is associated to a larger ISE-sponsored meeting taking place in the same venue, the application must provide clear indication on the connections between the two events and must clearly describe the independent activities reserved to student participants. No later than one month after the meeting, the organizer(s) will send to the ISE Office a report on the event, including the names and the e-mail addresses of the participants. The student participants will be invited to apply for ISE membership. A report giving an overview of the meeting, accompanied by suitable pictures if available, will be posted on the ISE website under Student Activities.

Applications for ISE support must be sent by e-mail to the ISE Office, with a copy to the Regional Representative of the country where the meeting is organized, 3-12 months before the meeting date, using the application form. The local ISE Regional Representative, if requested, will assist the potential meeting organizer in the preparation of the application. Applications will be analyzed by a committee consisting of (i) ISE Immediate Past President (ii) ISE Secretary General, (iii) ISE Treasurer, (iv) ISE Vice President responsible for Educational Activity and (v) ISE Vice President responsible for Regional Sections. The response will be communicated to the applicant and to the relevant Regional Representative no later than 1 month after the application submission.

The maximum financial support will be 600 €; the expected use of the funds must be specified in the application. Co-sponsoring by other Societies and/or institutions is possible.

ISE logos for sponsored meetings :


07 July 2023
12th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

01 July 2022
11th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia

14-18 March 2022
La década de la restauración de suelos
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Online, Brazil

06-10 December 2021
15th PTAschool of Electrochemistry – Report
São Paulo, Brazil,

02 July 2021
10th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia – Report

10-11 Sptember, 2020
Graduate Student Symposium on Advantageous Electrochemistry 2020
Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland – Report

14 November, 2019
Electrochemistry in Graduate Research
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland – Report

31 May, 2019
SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference 2019
Newcastle University, UK – Report

31 May, 2019
9th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Institute Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb Croatia – Report

15 May, 2019
4th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry-2019
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, UKRAINE – Report

17-18 December, 2018
Environmental Electrochemistry (so called 6a Semana de Eletroquimica Ambiental)
Campus Universitario s/n, Lagoa Nova, Natal, Brazil

9 November 2018
Electrochemistry in Graduate Research
University of Limerick, Ireland – Report

31 May 2018
SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference (EPC) 2018
Strathclyde University, Glasgow-Scotland – Report

25 May 2018
8th ISE Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Zagreb – Report

18 April 2018
3rd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine – Report

7-9 November 2017
5a Semana de Eletroquimica Ambiental
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil

27 October 2017
Electrochemistry in Graduate Research
Tyndall National Institute, Ireland – Report

18-19 May 2017
2nd ISE Regional Student Meeting in Ukraine 
– Report
Kyiv, Ukraine

19 May 2017
SCI Electrochemistry Postgraduate Conference 2017 
– Report
University of Southampton, UK

30 June 2016
7th ISE Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry – Report
Zagreb, Croatia

9-13 January 2017
Fourth Electrochemistry Summer School USACh EVE 2017. IV Escuela de Verano de Electroquímica, EVE 2017, USACh.
Universidad de Santiago de Chile,USACh, Santiago, Chile

05 October, 2016
Environmental Electrochemistry (4a Semana de Eletroquimica Ambiental)
Lagoa Nova, Natal RN, Brazil

8 July 2016
6th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry 

27 June 2016
Electrochemistry – Student Meeting for the South-West and beyond
University of Bath, Bath

06-June 2016
Postgraduate conference welcoming talks and posters on all aspects of electrochemistry
Department of Chemistry UCL OR SCI headquarters, UK

19 May 2016
1st ISE Regional Student Meeting in Ukraine 

09-10 Jan 2016
Four Points Sheraton / Holiday Inn Express, Ventura, CA, USA, 

2 July 2015
5th ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry
Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 

2 July 2015
3rd Regional ISE Student Meeting, Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico en Electroquímica, CIDETEQ, Mexico

22 June 2015
Great Western Electrochemistry meeting – Student Meeting, University of Bath, Bath, 

7 June 2015
Electrochemistry Electrochemical Engineering, Institute of Electrochemistry and Energy Systems at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgari, 

12 May 2014
Undergraduate students visit of aluminum production plant, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 

4 April 2014
4th ISE Satellite Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry, Rudjer Boskovic Institute in Zagreb, Croatia

1st April 2014
ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry: The Midlands Electrochemistry Group (MEG 2014) Postgraduate Students’ Meeting Loughborough University

ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium – Environmental Electrochemistry Meeting, Natal (Brazil)

20 May 2013
Undergraduate students visit of aluminum production plant, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

20 June 2012
Undergraduate students visit of aluminum production plant, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,

18 June 2012
Great Western Electrochemistry meeting – Student Meeting, University of Bath, Bath

26 April 2012
Regional Student Meeting, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia

25 November 2013
ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium
“The Future of Australian and New Zealand Electrochemistry