International Society of Electrochemistry


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Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Foundation Young Author Prize

Rules for the Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Foundation Young Author Prize

SUBMISSION OF AWARD APPLICATION: All correspondence, whether by mail or email and including that for awards joint between ISE and other societies, should be sent to the ISE Office. Unsuccessful candidates can re-apply in a subsequent year, provided that they still meet the age requirements.



The Young Author Prize of the International Society of Electrochemistry was donated by the Oronzio and Niccolò De Nora Foundation, Milan.


Applicants must be less than 30 years of age on January 1 of the year of the application. The age limit may be extended, upon request of the applicant, for example due to formal period(s) of maternal, paternal or adoptive leave, compulsory leave for civil or military service, illness or other exceptional circumstances. The applicant is asked to provide evidence in support of their extension request. This evidence has to be submitted as a part of the curriculum vitae. Each application for extension will be considered individually by the award committee.


Candidates must be ISE members in good standing and may apply on their own behalf. Researchers who receive in the same year the De Nora Foundation Fellowship award are not eligible.


The prize is awarded for the best paper published in the ISE society journal in the calendar year preceding the award. Papers accepted in the calendar year preceding the award but not yet published in printed form, will not be considered, even if they were available online.


The prize consists of a certificate and the sum of 2,000 USD, which includes a contribution towards travel expenses for the winner to attend the ISE Meeting where the award will be presented.


The application should be uploaded via the Submission Site and consist of:

  1. a curriculum vitae

  2. the paper.

In case of co-authorship, the application must include an appropriate statement of a senior co-author concerning the contribution of the candidate.
All documents uploaded must be in PDF format.


The chairperson of the selection committee, appointed by the Executive Committee of ISE, selects four committee members from among the ISE Division Officers.


The prize is presented to the author at the Awards Session of the Annual Meeting of ISE.

Award is closed

Previous winners
Y. Shingaya (1999), M. A. Malik (2001), Jaeyoung Lee (2002), L. Morais da Silva (2004), A. Prasad (2005), Vijayasekaran Boovaragavan (2006), Nuria Garcia-Araez (2007), Patrick Wolfgang Ruch (2008), Chih-Yu Hsu (2009), Katarzyna Szot (2010), Meng Li (2011), Quentin Van Overmeere (2012), Ann Laheäär (2013), Peng Bai (2014), Swetha Puchakayala (2015), Lin Lu-Yin (2016), Jilei Liu (2017), Cigdem Toparli (2018), M. Kodali (2019), B. Mingo (2020), Y.B. Vogel (2021), S. Grechi (2022), Mohsin Muhyuddin (2023).